The core of Prebid.js contains only the foundational code needed for header bidding. Any functionality that could be considered an add-on is part of a module. These are the major categories: highly recommends that publishers utilize the following modules:
Module | Description |
Consent Management - GPP | If you have users in regions of the world that adhere to the Global Privacy Platform, this module works with your Consent Management Platform to pass consent info to bidders and help align with regional regulations. |
Consent Management - TCF | If you have users in Europe, this module works with your Consent Management Platform to pass consent info to bidders and help align with EU regulations. See also the TCF Control module. |
GPP Control - USNat | If your CMP populates section 7 of the Global Privacy Platform, the USNat string, this module complements the `consentManagementGpp` module to control Prebid.js accordingly. |
GPP Control - US States | If your CMP populates sections 8-12 of the Global Privacy Platform, this module complements the `consentManagementGpp` module to control Prebid.js accordingly. |
GPT Pre-Auction | If you run GAM, this module generates the 'global placement id' that's becoming required for successful auctions. |
TCF Control | If you have users in Europe, you can use this module to enable actions for processing under the GDPR and ePrivacy |
Modules in the Real-Time Data (RTD) category conform to a consistent set of publisher controls. The publisher can choose to run multiple RTD modules, define an overall amount of time they’re willing to wait for results, and even flag some of the modules as being higher priority than others. See the realTimeData setConfig reference for more details.
Module | Description | RTD? |
Adpod | Enables developers to add support for a new adserver that handles ad pod (long-form) videos. | no |
Activity controls | Provides fine-grained controls over privacy-sensitive activities. | no |
anPspParamsConverter | Formats bid params for AppNexus PSP requests made through Prebid.js. | no |
Bid Response Filter | Validates bid's ortb2 data against its meta data | no |
Bid Viewability - Ad Server Independent | Triggers a BID_VIEWABLE event when a rendered bid is viewable according to an approximation of IAB viewability criteria | no |
CategoryTranslation | Converts IAB category to ad server category for long-form videos. | no |
Consent Management - US Privacy | If you have users in California, this module works with your Consent Management Platform to pass CCPA/US-Privacy data to bidders. | no |
Currency | Converts bid currency into ad server currency based on data in a supplied exchange rate file. | no |
Data Controller Module | Filters the EIDs/SDA being transmitted to bid stream. | no |
Demand Chain Object | Validates the Demand Chain object, provided by bidders, stored in the Prebid bid object. | no |
Debugging | Debugging tools to intercept bid requests and mock their response | no |
DSA Control Module | Digital Services Act bid validation | no |
Price Floors | Configure and enforce minimum bids. | no |
Geolocation | Real Time Geolocation | yes |
ID Import Library | Retrieve user ids deployed on your site, and return them to a configurable endpoint for ID Graphing. | no |
Intimate Merger Real-time Data Submodule | Intimate Merger Real-time Data Submodule | yes |
Instream Tracking | Allow Analytics Adapters and Bid Adapters to track `BID_WON` events for instream video bids. | no |
Intersection | Real Time Intersection | yes |
Deal Rendering (aka MASS) | General deal rendering functionality. | no |
Mobian Prebid Contextual Evaluation | Mobian provides contextual evaluations of pages given a URL, which publishers can use for targeting as an alternative to keyword-based evaluation. | yes |
MultiBid | Allows bidders to send multiple bids to the ad server. | no |
Native Rendering | Render native bids with renderAd or dynamic creatives | no |
Neuwo Real-Time Data Module | Enrich bids using | yes |
PAAPI | Protected Audience API | no |
Fledge (PAAPI) for GPT | how to use PAAPI with GPT | no |
Prebid Server Adapter | Server-to-Server header bidding | no |
Previous Auction Info | Allows publishers and bidders to collect and inject past auction data into future bid requests | no |
Publisher Common ID (deprecated) | User ID persisted in first party domain | no |
Server-to-Server Testing | Adds A/B test support to ease analysis of server-side header bidding | no |
Supply Chain Object | Validates the Supply Chain object and makes it available to bidders. | no |
Size Mapping | Display Responsive AdUnits in demanding page environments. | no |
Advanced Size Mapping | Display Responsive AdUnits in demanding page environments. | no |
Timeout RTD | Module for managing timeouts in real time | yes |
Run top level PAAPI auctions | Run top level PAAPI auctions | no |
Topics FPD Module | how to get topics data using Topics API | no |
First Party Data Validation | Verify First Party Data fields and data types. Not recommended for production use. | no |
Prebid Video Module | The Prebid Video Module allows Prebid to directly integrate with a Video Player. | no |
These modules may require accounts with a service provider.
Module | Description | RTD? |
1plusX RTD Module | 1plusX Real Time Data Module | yes |
51Degrees RTD Module | 51Degrees Real Time Data Module | yes |
A1Media RTD Module | A1Media Real Time Data Module | yes |
AAX Blockmeter | Measure the adblock traffic. | yes |
Adagio Rtd Module | The Adagio Rtd module computes and collects data required to leverage Adagio viewability and attention prediction engine. | yes |
Adnuntius Data Segments | Adnuntius Data Segments | yes |
AdPlayer.Pro Video Provider | Allows Prebid to integrate directly with AdPlayer.Pro video player. | no |
AirGrid RTD Provider | Client-side, cookieless and privacy-first audiences. | yes |
Anonymised Real Time Data Provider Module | Anonymised Real Time Data Provider Module | yes |
ArcSpan RTD Module | ArcSpan is a real-time audience monetization platform focused on the needs of the world’s finest publishers and retailers. Unlock the true value of your first-party audience data while providing advertisers the targeting performance they need. | yes |
Azerion Edge RTD Provider | Client-side contextual cookieless audiences. | yes |
Bid Viewability - GAM | Triggers a BID_VIEWABLE event when a rendered bid is viewable according to Active View criteria | no |
BlueConic Real-time Module | BlueConic Real-time Data Module | yes |
brandmetrics Real Time Data Provider Module | brandmetricsReal Time Data Provider Module | yes |
Browsi Viewability | Browsi Real Time Viewability | yes | Real-time Anti-Malvertising Module | Real-time Anti-Malvertising Module | yes |
Confiant Real-Time Protection Module | Confiant Real-Time detection and blocking of bad ads to protect your users and brand reputation | yes |
Contxtful RTD Provider | Activates Receptivity to evaluate ad success in real-time by focusing on attention and context. | yes |
Google Ad Manager Adpod Support | Required for serving adpod video through Google Ad Manager. | no |
Google Ad Manager Express | A simplified installation mechanism for publishers that have Google Publisher Tag (GPT) ad calls in their pages. | no |
Google Ad Manager Video Support | Required for serving instream video through Google Ad Manager. | no |
Digital Garage Keyword | Digital Garage Keyword | yes |
Experian Real-Time ID Module | Experian Real-Time ID Module | yes |
Freewheel Video Support | Passes key value targeting to Freewheel SDK for adpod mediaType adUnits. | no |
Gamera Rtd Provider | Gamera Rtd Provider works in conjunction with the on-page Gamera script to enrich bid requests by adding First Party Data attributes. | yes |
Geoedge Realtime | Geoedge realtime blocking of bad ads - malware, redirect and offensive content | yes |
Goldfish Ads Real Time Data Provider | Goldfish Ads Real Time Data Provider | yes |
Greenbids Realtime Module | The Greenbids RTD adapter allows to dynamically filter calls to SSP to reduce outgoing call to the programmatics chain, reducing ad serving carbon impact | yes |
GrowthCode Real-time Data Submodule | GrowthCode Real-time Data Submodule | yes |
Audigent Hadron Real-time Segmentation Module | Audigent Hadron Real-time Segmentation Module | yes |
HUMAN Security RTD Submodule | The HUMAN Security RTD Submodule offers publishers a mechanism to integrate pre-bid signal collection for the purpose of providing real-time protection against all sorts of invalid traffic. | yes |
Integral Ad Science(IAS) RTD | RTD provider for Integral Ad Science(IAS) | yes |
JW Player video ad targeting | makes JW Player's video ad targeting information accessible to Bid Adapters. | yes |
JW Player Video Provider | Allows Prebid to integrate directly with JW Player video players. | no |
LiveIntent RTD Module | LiveIntent Real Time Data Module | yes |
The Media Trust Real-Time Ad Defense | Stop malware, redirects, scams, offensive ad content, heavy ads, and more from ruining your audience's experience. | yes | Realtime Module | Delivers added functionality based on configurations, i.e. refresh, viewability, etc. | yes |
Mgid Realtime Module | Mgid RTD module allows you to enrich bid data with contextual and audience signals, based on IAB taxonomies. | yes |
Nodals AI Real-Time Data Module | Nodals AI Real-Time Data Module provides a mechanism to utilise and optimise first-party signals for targeting. | yes |
Optimera RTD | Optimera Optimization Targeting | yes |
oxxion Rtd | oxxion Real-time Vast Impression Tracking | yes |
Permutive Real Time Data Module | Permutive Real Time Data Module | yes | RTD Module | RTD module for Prebid provided by to set dynamic floors | yes |
Qortex RTD Module | Appends contextual segments to the bidding object based on the content of a page | yes |
Rayn Real Time Data Module | Rayn Real Time Data module appends privacy preserving enhanced contextual categories and audiences. Moments matter. | yes |
Reconciliation Supply Chain Validation | Reconciliation Real Time Data Module | yes |
Relevad RTD Provider | Contextual Categories and Segments, cookieless and privacy-first. | yes |
SemantIQ | SemantIQ RTD module allows to retrieve real-time data from the SemantIQ service. | yes |
Sirdata Real-time SDA Module | Sirdata Real-time Seller Defined Audience based Module | yes |
Symitri DAP Real Time Data Provider Module | Symitri DAP Real Time Data Provider Module | yes |
TargetVideo Video Support | Required for serving instream video through TargetVideo. | no |
Video.js Video Provider | Allows Prebid to integrate directly with Video.js video players. | no |
Weborama Real-time Segmentation Module | Weborama Real-time Segmentation Module | yes |
WURFL RTD Module | WURFL Real Time Data Module | yes |
Synthetic Inventory Module | Yieldmo Synthetic Outstream ads | no |
UserID modules conform to a consistent set of publisher controls. The publisher can choose to run multiple user id modules, define an overall amount of time they’re willing to wait for results. See the userSync setConfig reference and the User ID Module for more details.
Module | Description | EID Source |
33Across ID | 33Across ID User ID sub-module | |
AdmixerID | AdmixerID User ID sub-module | |
adQuery QiD | adQuery QiD User ID sub-module | |
Adriver ID | Adriver ID User ID sub-module | |
Adtelligent | Adtelligent User ID sub-module | |
AMX ID | AMX ID User ID sub-module | |
AudienceOne ID by DAC | AudienceOne ID by DAC User ID sub-module | |
BritePool | BritePool User ID sub-module | |
CEEIdSystem | CEEID User ID sub-module | |
Czech Ad ID (czechAdId) | Czech Ad ID (czechAdId) User ID sub-module | |
Criteo ID for Exchanges | Criteo ID for Exchanges User ID sub-module | |
Deepintent | Deepintent User ID sub-module | |
DMD ID by DMD Marketing Corp | DMD ID by DMD Marketing Corp User ID sub-module | |
European Unified ID | European Unified ID User ID sub-module | |
Fabrick ID by Neustar | Fabrick ID by Neustar User ID sub-module | |
FLoC ID | FLoC ID User ID sub-module | |
FreePass ID | FreePass User ID sub-module | |
FTrack ID from Flashtalking By Mediaocean | FTrack ID from Flashtalking By Mediaocean User ID sub-module | n/a |
GRAVITO ID by Gravito Ltd. | GRAVITO ID by Gravito Ltd. User ID sub-module | |
GrowthCode | GrowthCode User ID sub-module | |
Hadron ID from Audigent | Hadron ID from Audigent User ID sub-module | |
ID5 ID | ID5 ID User ID sub-module | |
ID+ | ID+ User ID sub-module | |
IDx | IDx User ID sub-module | |
IM-UID by Intimate Merger | IM-UID by Intimate Merger User ID sub-module | |
Intent IQ ID | Intent IQ ID User ID sub-module | |
Just ID | Just ID User ID sub-module | |
Kinesso ID | Kinesso ID User ID sub-module | |
LiveIntent nonID | LiveIntent nonID User ID sub-module | |
LMPID | LMPID User ID sub-module | |
lockr AIM | lockr Alternative Identity Manager sub-module | |
Lotame Panorama ID | Lotame Panorama ID User ID sub-module | |
MediaWallah OpenLinkID | MediaWallah OpenLinkID User ID sub-module | |
Merkle ID | Merkle IDUser ID sub-module | |
Mobkoi ID | Mobkoi ID User ID sub-module | |
MyGaru ID | MyGaru User ID sub-module | |
Navegg ID | Navegg ID User ID sub-module | |
netID | netID User ID sub-module | |
Novatiq Hyper ID | Novatiq Hyper ID User ID sub-module | |
OneKey IDs & Preferences | OneKey IDs & Preferences User ID sub-module | |
Google PAIR ID | pair PairId User ID sub-module | |
Parrable ID | Parrable ID User ID sub-module | |
Permutive Identity Manager | Permutive Identity Manager User ID sub-module | |
Publisher Link | Publisher Link User ID sub-module | |
PubMatic ID | PubMatic ID User ID sub-module | |
PubProvided ID | PubProvided ID User ID sub-module | publisher domain |
Quantcast ID | Quantcast ID User ID sub-module | |
LiveRamp RampID | LiveRamp RampID User ID sub-module | |
Rewarded Interest ID | Rewarded Interest User ID Submodule | |
SharedID | SharedID User ID sub-module | |
Tapad ID | Tapad ID User ID sub-module | |
Teads ID | Teads ID User ID sub-module | |
TNCID by The Newco | TNCID UserID sub-module | |
Trustpid | Trustpid User ID sub-module | |
Unified ID | Unified ID User ID sub-module | |
Unified ID 2.0 | Unified ID 2.0 User ID sub-module | |
Utiq ID | Utiq User ID sub-module | |
UtiqMtp ID | UtiqMtp User ID sub-module | |
Yahoo ConnectID | Yahoo ConnectID User ID sub-module | |
Yandex ID | Yandex User ID sub-module | |