Nodals AI Real-Time Data Module


Nodals AI provides a real-time data prebid module that will analyse first-party signals present on page load, determine the value of them to Nodals’ advertisers and add a key-value to the ad server call to indicate that value. The Nodals AI RTD module loads external code as part of this process.

In order to be able to utilise this module, please contact for account setup and detailed GAM setup instructions.


First, ensure that you include the generic Prebid RTD Module and the Nodals AI RTD module into your Prebid build:

gulp build --modules=rtdModule,nodalsAiRtdProvider


Update your Prebid configuration to enable the Nodals AI RTD module, as illustrated in the example below:

  realTimeData: {
    auctionDelay: 100, // optional auction delay
    dataProviders: [{
      name: 'nodalsAi',
      waitForIt: true, // should be true only if there's an `auctionDelay`
      params: {
        propertyId: 'c10516af' // obtain your property id from Nodals AI support

Configuration parameters:

Name Scope Description Example Type
name required Real time data module name: Always 'nodalsAi' 'nodalsAi' String
waitForIt optional Set to true if there’s an auctionDelay defined (defaults to false) false Boolean
params required Submodule configuration parameters {} Object
params.propertyId required Publisher specific identifier, provided by Nodals AI '76346cf3' String optional Optional storage configiration {} Object optional Storage key used to store Nodals AI data in local storage 'yourKey' String optional Time in seconds to retain Nodals AI data in storage until a refresh is required 900 Integer
params.ptr optional Optional partner configiration {} Object
params.ptr.permutive optional Optional configiration for Permutive Audience Platform {} Object
params.ptr.permutive.cohorts optional A method for the publisher to explicitly supply Permutive Cohort IDs, disabling automatic fetching by this RTD module ['66711', '39032', '311'] Array<String>
params.ptr.permutive.storageKey optional Publisher specific Permutive storage key where cohort data is held. '_psegs' String