Prebid Server | Features | Cache Storage

This feature is currently available only in the Java version of Prebid Server.

This reference is describes how Prebid Server module authors can take advantage of storing data needed by their module.

The Prebid Server team recommends one of these solutions:

  1. Use internal application data structures like com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine: This provides the fastest approach but is not suitable if you have large amounts of data or need a centralized cache.
  2. Using data cache via PBC: Check the Storage endpoints. This approach provides a centralized caching solution that will be available from each PBS instance configured to connect to the PBC application.

Using Prebid Cache

To use this approach, you need to inject PbcStorageService into your module. You can do this in your module configuration class. For example:

@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "hooks." + {ModuleName}Module.CODE, name = "enabled", havingValue = "true")
public class {ModuleName}ModuleConfiguration {

    {ModuleName}Module {moduleName}Module(PbcStorageService cacheService) {

Then you can use the functions below for storing and retrieving data.

Future<Void> storeEntry(String key,
                                  String value,
                                  ModuleCacheType type,
                                  Integer ttlseconds,
                                  String application,
                                  String appCode);

Future<ModuleCacheResponse> retrieveEntry(String key, String appCode, String application);


This function writes data through the Prebid Server PBC caching service.

Here is an explanation of the parameters:

Parameter Scope Description
key required A name that will be used to reference the stored value.
value required String representation of the data you need to store.
type required Represents the format stored inside the value. Can be one of JSON, XML, TEXT.
application required Configured name of your module storage. This should be configurable in your global or account module config.
appCode required Use this constant from your module {ModuleName}Module.CODE or any other service identifier you are using.
ttlseconds optional How long (in seconds) the data will be available in the module store.


This function reads data from the Prebid Server caching service.

Here is an explanation of the parameters:

Parameter Scope Description
key required A name that will be used to reference the stored value.
application required Configured name of your module storage. This should be configurable in your global or account module config.
appCode required Use this constant from your module {ModuleName}Module.CODE or any other service identifier you are using.