Prebid SDK iOS with a Custom Bidding Integration Method


You can use the Prebid SDK to monetize your app with a custom ad server or even without an ad server at all.

This guide outlines how to integrate the Prebid SDK into your app if you don’t fit into any of the other approaches documented on the site. Since there are many unknown details about your specific situation, guidance will remain general.

General components:

  • Prebid SDK collects parameters and sends to Prebid Server.
  • Prebid server handles the bidding and auction process.
  • An ad server or mediation platform without specific Prebid Mobile integration instructions.
    • If this ad server has an SDK, great, otherwise, your app code will be responsible for crafting requests to the ad server based on response data pulled from Prebid SDK.
    • It’s possible for your app code to just make the ad decision itself, utilizing no ad server at all.
  • Rendering method - the first big decision is about how Prebid ads will be rendered:
    • Either in a webview with the Prebid Universal Creative
    • Or delegate the rendering to Prebid SDK
    • The tradeoffs are discussed below

General Approaches

Custom integrations will need to determine whether they want to utilize Prebid SDK’s full rendering capacity, or just obtain bids to do their own rendering.

Custom Bidding Only

Custom Bidding Only Integration Details

  1. Prebid SDK calls Prebid Server which supplies one or more bids.
  2. The app inspects the targeting values.
  3. Something makes an ad decision - either your ad server or your app.
  4. If a 3rd party HTML creative is chosen (banner or interstitial):
    1. The HTML should be written to a webview, optionally using the Prebid Universal Creative (PUC).
    2. The PUC or your custom rendering code loads the winning creative from Prebid Cache.
    3. The PUC or your custom rendering code writes this creative into an iframe and hits all the tracking strings: Prebid win URL, billing url (burl), and notice url (nurl).
      1. If MRAID is available, the PUC uses it to consider the view state before hitting the burl.
  5. If a video VastUrl creative is chosen:
    1. The platform video player loads the VAST from Prebid Cache.
    2. It then starts playing the VAST, hitting the embedded Impression tags when appropriate.
  6. Your app code will need to handle Open Measurement SDK interactions.

Custom Prebid Rendered

Custom Prebid-Rendered Integration Details

  1. Prebid SDK calls Prebid Server which supplies one or more bids.
  2. The app inspects the targeting values.
  3. Something makes an ad decision - either your ad server or your app.
  4. If a 3rd party HTML creative is chosen (banner, native, interstitial, non-instream video):
    1. The app calls Prebid SDK rendering functions.
  5. If a video VastUrl creative is chosen (rewarded video only):
    1. The app calls Prebid SDK rendering functions.


Here are the tradeoffs between two integration approaches:

Aspect Bidding-Only Integration Prebid-Rendered Integration
Direct access to bids check  
Support for MRAID 3.0   check
Support for SKAdnetwork   check
Loads data from Prebid Cache check  
Supports instream video check  
Triggers billing and Notice URLs check  
Supports Third Party Rendering libraries   check


  • On one hand, using Prebid Cache reduces the amount of data that must be sent to the mobile device – the body of the creative does not need to be transmitted for bids. On the other hand, though, when a bid wins in the ad server, the body of the creative must be retrieved from the cache.
  • It is possible to mix-and-match implementations within an app. e.g. you could implement instream video with the Bidding-Only approach and other adunits with Prebid-Rendered.
  • Over time, we expect the “Prebid-Rendered” approach to mature and become the obvious choice.


  • Prebid SDK - You will need the latest version of the Prebid Mobile SDK for either Android or iOS.
  • Prebid Universal Creative - If you choose the “Bidding-Only” approach, the PUC needs to be hosted on a CDN.
  • Video player - If you let Prebid SDK do the rendering, it will use the platform default: AVPlayer for iOS and ExoPlayer for Android.
  • Prebid Server - You will need a cluster of servers running Prebid Server. You can set up your own Prebid Server or work with a Prebid Server managed service. Prebid Server provides you with the following:
    • Configuration storage - rather than hardcoding all the details of your current business arrangements in the app, Prebid Server stores which bidders you’re currently working with, their inventory details, and other settings that can be changed without updating your app.
    • Server-side auction - the server will make the connections to multiple auction bidding partners so the app doesn’t have to.
    • Privacy regulation tools - the server can help your legal team meet different regulatory needs in different jurisdictions by configuring various protocols and anonyimization activities.

Major Integration Steps

The technical implementation of Prebid mobile into your app will involve these major steps:

  1. Initialize the Prebid SDK - create a connection to your Prebid Server.
  2. Set Global Parameters - let bidders know important data about the page, privacy consent, and other settings.
  3. Work with your Prebid Server team to create the adunit configIds that will be used in the app.
  4. Set up ad server orders, line items, and creatives. See AdOps guidance
  5. Link Prebid AdUnit code to your AdUnits - for any adunits that your business team wants to connect to Prebid with the configIds generated in Step 3. See the adunit-specific instructions below.

Ad Operations Guidance

If you’re using an ad server, the Ad Operations team will need to create line items. If you’re not using an ad server, the app code will need to generate an appropriate response to render the winning ad.

The creatives used depend on which media formats your adunits can utilize. The details for what creatives are needed for each ad format will depend on the type of integration:

Rendering Approaches

The code implementation details depend on which rendering approach you’ve chosen:

Bidding Only

While the default ad server for Prebid’s Mobile SDK is GAM, it can be expanded to include support for 3rd party ad servers through the fetchDemand function. This function returns the Prebid Server bidder key/values (targeting keys), which can then be passed to the ad server of choice.

In this mode, the developer is responsible for the following actions:

  • Call the fetchDemand() method with specific callback
  • Retrieve targeting keys from the BidInfo callback parameter
  • Convert targeting keys into the format for your ad server
  • Pass converted keys to your ad server
  • Render ad with Prebid Universal Creative or custom renderer

This approach is available for the following ad formats:

  • Display Banner via BannerAdUnit
  • Video Banner and Instream Video via VideoAdUnit
  • Display Interstitial via InterstitialAdUnit
  • Video Interstitial via VideoInterstitialAdUnit
  • Rewarded Video via RewardedVideoAdUnit
  • Native Styles via NativeRequest
  • Multiformat ad unit via PrebidAdUnit

The basic steps for these ad units you can find at the page for GAM Bidding Only integration. The diference is that you should use the fetchDemand function with following signature:

public func fetchDemand(adObject: AnyObject, request: PrebidRequest,
                      completion: @escaping (BidInfo) -> Void)


adUnit.fetchDemand(adObject: gamRequest, request: prebidRequest) { [weak self] bidInfo in
    guard let self = self else { return }

        //Publisher should provide support for converting keys into format of 3rd party ad server and loading ads
    let keywords = convertDictToAdServerKeywords(dict: bidInfo.targetingKeywords)
    AdServerLoadAds.loadAd(withAdUnitID: "46d2ebb3ccd340b38580b5d3581c6434", keywords: keywords)

The BidInfo provides the following properties:

  • resultCode - the object of type ResultCode describing the status of the bid request.
  • targetingKeywords - the targeting keywords of the winning bid
  • exp - the number of seconds that may elapse between the auction and the actual impression. In this case, it indicates the approximate TTL of the bid in the Prebid Cache. Note that the actual expiration time of the bid will be less than this number due to the network and operational overhead. The Prebid SDK doesn’t make any adjustments to this value.
  • nativeAdCacheId - the local cache ID of the winning bid. Applied only to the native ad format.
  • events - the map of some publically available event URLs attached to the bid. These can be used to enable Prebid Server-based analytics when the Prebid Universal Creative (PUC) is not involved in the rendering process. If the PUC is used for rendering, it will take care of hitting these events. These are the available event URLs:
    • EVENT_WIN - this bid was chosen by the ad server as the one to display. This is the main metric for banner and native. This returns the OpenRTB field. (requires SDK v2.1.6)
    • EVENT_IMP - the ad creative for this bid was actually displayed. This is often the main metric for video ads. This returns the OpenRTB field. (requires SDK v2.1.6)

Code sample to extract the events:

let win =[BidInfo.EVENT_WIN]
let imp =[BidInfo.EVENT_IMP]

Prebid Rendered

The Rendering API integration and usage are similar to any other ad SDK. In this case, Prebid SDK sends the bid requests to the Prebid Server and renders the winning bid.

In-App Bidding with Prebid

HTML Banner

Integration example:

// 1. Create an Ad View
let banner = BannerView(frame: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: adSize),
                        configID: CONFIG_ID,
                        adSize: adSize)

banner.delegate = self

// 2. Load an Ad
Step 1: Create Ad View

Initialize the BannerAdView with properties:

  • frame - the frame rectangle for the view
  • configID - an ID of the Stored Impression on the Prebid Server
  • size - the size of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request.
Step 2: Load the Ad

Call the method loadAd() which will:

  • make a bid request to the Prebid Server.
  • render the winning bid on display.

Banner Video is the same as HTML banner, but you also need to specify the ad format:

banner.adFormat = .video


Integration example:

// 1. Create an Interstitial Ad Unit
interstitial = InterstitialRenderingAdUnit(configID: CONFIG_ID,
                                  minSizePercentage: CGSize(width: 30, height: 30))

interstitial.delegate = self

// 2. Load an Ad

// .....

// 3. Show An Ad
if interstitial.isReady { self)

The default ad format for interstitial is .banner. In order to make a multiformat bid request, set the respective values into the adFormats property.

// Make bid request for video ad
adUnit?.adFormats = [.video]

// Make bid request for both video and banner ads
adUnit?.adFormats = [.video, .banner]

// Make bid request for banner ad (default behaviour)
adUnit?.adFormats = [.banner]

Step 1: Create an Ad Unit

Initialize the Interstitial Ad Unit with properties:

  • configID - an ID of Stored Impression on the Prebid Server
  • minSizePercentage - specifies the minimum width and height percent an ad may occupy of a device’s real estate.

NOTE: minSizePercentage - plays an important role in a bidding process for banner ads. If provided space is not enough demand partners won’t respond with the bids.

Step 2: Load the Ad

Call the method loadAd() which will make a bid request to Prebid server.

Step 3: Show the Ad when it is ready

Wait until the ad will be loaded and present it to the user in any suitable time.

// MARK: InterstitialRenderingAdUnitDelegate

func interstitialDidReceiveAd(_ interstitial: InterstitialRenderingAdUnit) {
    // Now the ad is ready for display

Rewarded Video

Integration example:

// 1. Create an Ad Unit
rewardedAd = RewardedAdUnit(configID: CONFIG_ID)
rewardedAd.delegate = self

// 2. Load an Ad

/// .......

// 3. Display the Ad
if rewardedAd.isReady { self)
Step 1: Create Rewarded Ad Unit

Create the RewardedAdUnit object with parameter:

  • configID - an ID of Stored Impression on the Prebid Server
Step 2: Load the Ad

Call the loadAd() method which will make a bid request to Prebid server.

Step 3: Show the Ad when it is ready

Wait until the ad will be loaded and present it to the user in any suitable time.

// MARK: RewardedAdUnitDelegate

func rewardedAdDidReceiveAd(_ rewardedAd: RewardedAdUnit) {
    // Now the ad is ready for display

Additional Ad Unit Configuration

Ad Position

The adPosition property allows developers to specify the position of the ad within the publisher’s content. This property maps to the pos field in the OpenRTB specification under the imp[].banner or imp[].video objects, depending on the ad format. The possible values for this field could be found in the respective specification.

You can set adPosition by using the following property:

adUnit.adPosition = .footer

Further Reading