Prebid Server (PBS) supports filling pods of multiple video advertisements, including support for competitve separation.
Here’s a workflow diagramming how this works.

- Application makes request for a video stream.
- An SSAI Server sends a video request to PBS, specifying the pod requirements.
- PBS sends a request for bids to selected demand partners by relaying OpenRTB requests to them.
- Demand partners return a bid response to PBS. If competitive seperation is enabled, PBS peforms category translation on each bid. Whether category translation is required or not, the bids are stored in prebid cache.
- PBS generates key-value pairs that are comprised of price, category, and duration values.
- The SSAI server parses the returned key-values, appending them as a query string to the ad server request URL and submits the request.
- The ad server returns the optimized pod.
- The SSAI server requests the creatives from prebid cache.
- The SSAI server requests the content from the content host and stitches the creatives and content together.
- The stitched stream is returned to the application.
Further Reading