Get started with Prebid Mobile by creating a Prebid Server account. Once your account is set up include the Prebid Mobile SDK in your app by either using dependencies managers or by cloning the repo and using our included script to build the SDK.
If you are not familiar with using Cocoapods for dependency management, visit their getting started page. Once you have your Podfile
setup, include the following:
target 'MyAmazingApp' do
pod 'PrebidMobile'
Now run pod install
to add the Prebid SDK to project dependencies.
If you are not familiar with the Carthage package builder, please refer to the project github page for more details.
github "prebid/prebid-mobile-ios" == 2.0.4-carthage
to your Cartfile
.carthage update
from Carthage/Build
to General -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries
from generated/output
directory into your project. Make sure “Copy items if needed” is selected.General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
settings. Use Embed & Sign
for dynamic and Do Not Embed
for static linkingSPM isn’t supported for Prebid SDK 2.0.0
and higher (details).
The next guide is applicable to 1.x
versions of the SDK.
If you are not familiar with the Swift Package Manager, please refer to the project github page for more details.
File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
Build the specific schema
Variant 1
chmod +x <>
Variant 2
at .../Carthage/Checkouts/prebid-mobile-ios/PrebidMobile.xcodeproj
using Xcodecarthage build prebid-mobile-ios
You can find the schema name in the build PrebidSDK framework inside Info.plist with PrebidMobileName
Build Prebid Mobile from source code. After cloning the repo, use Terminal or another command line tool, change to the root directory and run:
This will output the PrebidMobile.framework.
Once you have a Prebid Server, you will add ‘account’ info to the Prebid Mobile. For example, if you’re using the AppNexus Prebid Server:
Prebid.shared.prebidServerAccountId = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
Prebid.shared.prebidServerHost = .Appnexus
If you have opted to host your own Prebid Server solution, you will need to store the URL to the server in your app. Make sure that your URL points to the /openrtb2/auction endpoint.
try! Prebid.shared.setCustomPrebidServer(url: "")
This method throws an exception if the provided URL is invalid.
Each mobile app may have its own “account settings ID”. This is used to look up data in Prebid Server like timeout, targeting, and price granularity.
By default the Account Settings ID is set to be the same as the Account ID. i.e. the Prebid.shared.prebidServerAccountId property will set both values. If you want to define a different Account Settings ID as determined in conjunction with your Prebid Server team, use the arbitrary OpenRTB method like this:
adUnitConfig.setOrtbConfig = "{\"ext\":{\"prebid\":{\"storedrequest\": {\"id\":\"account-settings-id\"}}}}"
Once you set the account ID and the Prebid Server host, you should initialize the Prebid SDK. There are several options for how to do it.
If you integrate Prebid Mobile with GMA SDK with version equal or higher than 10.7.0, use the following initializer, which checks the compatibility of Prebid SDK with GMA SDK used in the app:
Prebid.initializeSDK(gadMobileAdsVersion: string(for: MobileAds.shared.versionNumber)) { status, error in
switch status {
case .succeeded:
print("Prebid SDK successfully initialized")
case .failed:
if let error = error {
print("An error occurred during Prebid SDK initialization: \(error.localizedDescription)")
case .serverStatusWarning:
if let error = error {
print("Prebid Server status checking failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Prebid.initializeSDK(gadMobileAdsVersion: GADGetStringFromVersionNumber(GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().versionNumber) { status, error in
switch status {
case .succeeded:
print("Prebid SDK successfully initialized")
case .failed:
if let error = error {
print("An error occurred during Prebid SDK initialization: \(error.localizedDescription)")
case .serverStatusWarning:
if let error = error {
print("Prebid Server status checking failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
If you integrate Prebid Mobile with GMA SDK with version lower than 10.7.0, use the following initializer:
Prebid.initializeSDK(GADMobileAds.sharedInstance()) { status, error in
switch status {
case .succeeded:
print("Prebid SDK successfully initialized")
case .failed:
if let error = error {
print("An error occurred during Prebid SDK initialization: \(error.localizedDescription)")
case .serverStatusWarning:
if let error = error {
print("Prebid Server status checking failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Check the log messages of the app. If the provided GMA SDK version is not verified for compatibility, the Prebid SDK informs about it.
For the No Ad Server scenario, use the following initialization:
Prebid.initializeSDK { status, error in
// ....
During the initialization, SDK creates internal classes and performs the health check request to the /status endpoint. If you use a custom PBS host you should provide a custom status endpoint as well:
Prebid.shared.customStatusEndpoint = PREBID_SERVER_STATUS_ENDPOINT
If something goes wrong with the request, the status of the initialization callback will be .serverStatusWarning
. It doesn’t affect an SDK flow and just informs you about the health check result.
There are several types of parameters app developers should consider providing to Prebid SDK:
See the global parameters page for details.
The Prebid
class is a singleton that enables the user to apply global settings.
: String containing the Prebid Server account ID.
: String containing configuration your Prebid Server host with which Prebid SDK will communicate. Choose from the system-defined Prebid Server hosts or define your own custom Prebid Server host.
: Optional Bool, if this flag is True AND the app collects the user’s geographical location data, Prebid Mobile will send the user’s geographical location data to Prebid Server. If this flag is False OR the app does not collect the user’s geographical location data, Prebid Mobile will not populate any user geographical location information in the call to Prebid Server. The default setting is false.
: Optional level of logging to output in the console. Options are one of the following sorted by a verbosity of the log:
public static let debug = LogLevel(stringValue: "[💬]", rawValue: 0)
public static let verbose = LogLevel(stringValue: "[🔬]", rawValue: 1)
public static let info = LogLevel(stringValue: "[ℹ️]", rawValue: 2)
public static let warn = LogLevel(stringValue: "[⚠️]", rawValue: 3)
public static let error = LogLevel(stringValue: "[‼️]", rawValue: 4)
public static let severe = LogLevel(stringValue: "[🔥]", rawValue: 5)
: The Prebid timeout (accessible to Prebid SDK 1.2+), set in milliseconds, will return control to the ad server SDK to fetch an ad once the expiration period is achieved. Because Prebid SDK solicits bids from Prebid Server in one payload, setting Prebid timeout too low can stymie all demand resulting in a potential negative revenue impact.
: Controls how long banner creative has to load before it is considered a failure.
: Controls how long video and interstitial creatives have to load before it is considered a failure.
: Set as type string, stored auction responses signal Prebid Server to respond with a static response matching the storedAuctionResponse found in the Prebid Server Database, useful for debugging and integration testing. No bid requests will be sent to any bidders when a matching storedAuctionResponse is found. For more information on how stored auction responses work, refer to the written description on github issue 133.
: adds the debug flag (“test”:1) on the outbound http call to Prebid Server. The test:1 flag will signal to Prebid Server to emit the full resolved request (resolving any Stored Request IDs) as well as the full Bid Request and Bid Response to and from each bidder.
: Function containing two properties:
: Bidder name as defined by Prebid Server bid adapter of type string.responseId
: Configuration ID used in the Prebid Server Database to store static bid responses.Stored Bid Responses are similar to Stored Auction Responses in that they signal to Prebid Server to respond with a static pre-defined response, except Stored Bid Responses is done at the bidder level, with bid requests sent out for any bidders not specified in the bidder parameter. For more information on how stored auction responses work, refer to the written description on github issue 133.
func addStoredBidResponse(bidder: String, responseId: String)
: Clears any stored bid responses.
func clearStoredBidResponses()
The following methods enable the customization of the HTTP call to the prebid server:
func addCustomHeader(name: String, value: String)
func clearCustomHeaders()
You can pass some SDK configuration properties from PBS to the SDK using the ext.prebid.passthrough
object, supported by Prebid Server, in the stored request.
For now Prebid SDK supports the following configuration properties:
- see the Prebid.creativeFactoryTimeout
- see the Prebid.creativeFactoryTimeoutPreRenderContent
An example of a stored request:
"app": {
"publisher": {
"ext": {
"prebid": {
"ext": {
"prebid": {
"passthrough": [
"type": "prebidmobilesdk",
"sdkconfiguration": {
"cftbanner": 42,
"cftprerender": 4242
"test": 1
All values received in the passthrough
of the bid response will be applied to the respective Prebid.*
properties with the highest priority. After that, the SDK will utilize new values received in the bid response.
// Host
Prebid.shared.prebidServerHost = .Rubicon
// or set a custom host
Prebid.shared.prebidServerHost = PrebidHost.Custom
do {
try Prebid.shared.setCustomPrebidServer(url: "")
} catch {
// Account Id
Prebid.shared.prebidServerAccountId = "1234"
// Geolocation
Prebid.shared.shareGeoLocation = true
// Log level data
Prebid.shared.logLevel = .verbose
// Set Prebid timeout in milliseconds
Prebid.shared.timeoutMillis = 3000
// Enable Prebid Server debug respones
Prebid.shared.pbsDebug = true
// Stored responses can be one of storedAuction response or storedBidResponse
Prebid.shared.storedAuctionResponse = "111122223333"
Prebid.shared.addStoredBidResponse(bidder: "appnexus", responseId: "221144")
Prebid.shared.addStoredBidResponse(bidder: "rubicon", responseId: "221155")
Follow the corresponding guide to integrate Prebid Mobile:
In the table below, you can find Prebid’s test IDs that are used in the Demo Applications and that you can utilize for SDK integration validation.
Config ID | Ad Format | Description |
---|---|---| |
Custom Prebid Server Host | A PBS instance that is dedicated to testing purposes. |
0689a263-318d-448b-a3d4-b02e8a709d9d |
Stored Request ID | The test account ID on the test server. |
prebid-demo-banner-320-50 |
HTML Banner | Returns a stored response that contains a Banner 320x50 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-display-interstitial-320-480 |
HTML Interstitial | Returns a stored response that contains a Interstitial 320x480 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-outstream-original-api |
Outstream Video (Original API) | Returns a stored response that contains a Video 320x50 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-outstream |
Outstream Video (Rendering API) | Returns a stored response that contains a Video 320x50 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-interstitial-320-480-original-api |
Video Interstitial (Original API) | Returns a stored response that contains a Video Interstitial 320x480 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-interstitial-320-480 |
Video Interstitial (Rendering API) | Returns a stored response that contains a Video Interstitial 320x480 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-rewarded-320-480-original-api |
Rewarded Video (Original API) | Returns a stored response that contains a Rewarded Video 320x480 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-rewarded-320-480 |
Rewarded Video (Original API) | Returns a stored response that contains a Rewarded Video 320x480 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-video-interstitial-320-480 |
Instream Video | Returns a stored response that contains a Video 320x480 winning bid. |
prebid-demo-banner-native-styles |
Native Styles | Returns a stored response that contains a Native winning bid. |
prebid-demo-banner-native-styles |
In-App Native | Returns a stored response that contains a Native winning bid. |