MASS Module


This module does not exist in PBJS 8.0 or later.

This module enables the MASS protocol for Prebid. To use it, you’ll need to work with a MASS enabled provider.

This module scans incoming bids for the presence of a “mass” flag being set to true in the bid meta or a publisher specified DealID pattern and uses external resources to decypher and process the MASS:// URI found within the ad markup. This modules is designed to work with MASS enabled Exchanges and DSP’s.

This module only loads external JavaScript resources if the publisher ad server has selected a MASS enabled bid as a winner.


This module loads external JavaScript to render creatives

Custom Mode

You can specify your own dealIdPattern and renderUrl by adding one or more entries into the custom configuration option (see Configuration Parameters below). When specifying a custom renderer, quality assurance is your responsibility.


Build the MASS module into the Prebid.js package with:

gulp build --modules=mass,...

Module Configuration

pbjs.que.push(function() {
    mass: {
      enabled: true,
      renderUrl: '',
      dealIdPattern: /^MASS/i,
      custom: [
          dealIdPattern: /xyz/,
          renderUrl: '',
          namespace: 'xyz'

Configuration Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
enabled Boolean Enable/disable the module Defaults to true
dealIdPattern RegExp The pattern used to identify MASS deal IDs Defaults to /^MASS/i
renderUrl String The MASS render script to load
custom Array Add custom renderers  
custom[].dealIdPattern RegExp A pattern used to identify matching deal IDs Either this parameter or custom[].match must be specified
custom[].renderUrl String The render script to load Either this parameter or custom[].render must be specified
custom[].namespace String The namespace (i.e.: object) created on window to pass parameters to the render script Required with custom[].renderUrl
custom[].match Function(bid) A custom function to identify matching bids Either this parameter or custom[].dealIdPattern must be specified
custom[].render Function(payload) A custom function to render the matchig/winning bid Either this parameter or custom[].renderUrl must be specified. The payload parameter contains:, payload.bidRequest, payload.adm

Example Configurations

Only (official) MASS support enabled

pbjs.que.push(function() {
    mass: {
      renderUrl: ''

MASS support disabled, custom renderer enabled

pbjs.que.push(function() {
    mass: {
      custom: [
          dealIdPattern: /xyz/,
          renderUrl: '',
          namespace: 'xyz'

Custom match and render

pbjs.que.push(function() {
    mass: {
      custom: [
          match: function(bid) {
            // return true/false if matching/non-matching bid

          render: function(payload) {

Integration Example

There are two options to view the integration example:

Option 1 - Your own development environment

To view the integration example:

  1. Build Prebid using the following required options

     gulp build --modules=ixBidAdapter,mass
  2. Use a http server with a valid hostname to access its content. It is not advised to run the bid simulation using localhost or


Testing MASS

Testing requires valid bids to be returned to Prebid. To assist with this process, we recommend you use the MASS Bid Simulation tool found at Your Exchange partner might be able to assist you with other specialist tools and browser plugins to achieve similar resuls.

The instructions below assume that you have followed the installation instructions for the MASS Bidsim tool found at

Testing using MASS compliant tags

The bidsim tool ships with working DSP example tags that can be found under the bidsim/tags folder.

A quick way to test the Integration test page in combination with the official bootloader is to use the following command:

node bidsim --inject --bid 2000 --width 300 --height 250 --dealid 'MASS' --tag "tags/inskin-housead-desktop.js" -o

For third-party technology companies

Third-parties that wish to integrate with the official MASS bootloader can get started by running the following command:

node bidsim --inject --bid 2000 --width 300 --height 250 --dealid 'MASS' --tag "tags/test.js" -o

Explanation: The tags/test.js tag calls a reference endpoint for developers that can be accessed here: When running the above command to invoke this reference endpoint, you will see all the params that MASS collected and passed onto your endpoint. This includes inputs, parsed inputs, tag parameters and MASS/Provider specific configurations.

Testing on live sites

Any sites that have been MASS configured will work with the Bidsim tool. This is a convenient way to test whether your publisher ad server and slot is correctly configured.