Previous Auction Info


The Previous Auction Info module enables functionality to collect prior auction data for participating bidders and publishers (This feature is opt-in, by default it is disabled).

How to Enable the Module

A Publisher must do the following in order for the module to work:

pbjs.setConfig({previousAuctionInfo: { enabled: true, bidders: ['bidderCode1', 'bidderCode2'], maxQueueLength: 10 }})
  • Only valid bid requests submitted by bidders who have enabled the Previous Auction Info module will be permitted.

If the requirements above are met, the flow for how the module works is as follows:

  1. A Prebid.js auction runs and completes.
  2. At the end of an auction, details about the auction are collected from each bidder using the module.
  3. If a Prebid bid wins, then the rendered field is updated to 1 to indicate this in the collected auction data for all bidders who bid on the same adunit within the same Prebid auction.
  4. During the next Prebid.js auction, if a bidder is included in previousAuctionInfo.bidders AND is included in the auction, then previous auction info data will be injected into the bidder’s bid request of the new auction within the following path: ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo.

Configuration Options

Field Required? Type Description
previousAuctionInfo.enabled yes boolean Enables/disables the module.
previousAuctionInfo.bidders no array of strings Array of bidder codes to determine which bidders are allowed to receive collected previous auction info. Omitting this field will enable all bidders.
previousAuctionInfo.maxQueueLength no integer The number of previous auction info payloads to store/collect per bidder before injecting these payloads into the bidstream. Any payloads collected for a bidder during one auction will be injected into the bidstream during the next auction that the same bidder participates in with valid bids. If this field is omitted, the value of this field is 10.

Example of Previous Auction Info Payload

previousAuctionInfo is an array of prior auction data catered to a specific bidder (if present, it will be added to a bidder’s bid request). See below for an example of how the structure of the data looks (Note: Once collected previous auction data has been injected into the bid stream, then it is removed and no longer stored within the module):

ortb2: {
  ext: {
    prebid: {
      previousauctioninfo: [
          bidderRequestId: "123abc",
          bidId: "456def",
          rendered: 1, // default is 0
          source: "pbjs",
          adUnitCode: "div-gpt-ad-123-0",
          highestBidCpm: 0.052275935, // default is null
          bidderCpm: 0.04, // default is null
          bidderOriginalCpm: 0.04, // default is null
          bidderCurrency: "USD", // default is null
          bidderOriginalCurrency: "USD", // default is null
          bidderErrorCode: -1, // default is null
          timestamp: 1739400860310

Description of Previous Auction Info Payload

Field Type Description Default
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo array    
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidderRequestId string ID of a previous bidder request  
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidId string ID of a previous bid request  
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].rendered integer Signifies if the relevant adunit bid on was rendered or not 0
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].source string Where the previous auction info was collected  
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].adUnitCode string Ad unit code of the ad slot that was bid on  
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].highestBidCpm float The highest Prebid bid cpm observed for the relative ad slot of a previous auction null
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidderCpm float The bid cpm submitted by the bidder receiving the previous auction info payload null
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidderOriginalCpm float The original bid cpm submitted by the bidder receiving the previous auction info payload null
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidderCurrency string The bidder currency submitted by the bidder receiving the previous auction info payload null
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidderOriginalCurrency string The original bidder currency submitted by the bidder receiving the previous auction info payload null
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].bidderErrorCode integer Whether an error was present or not null
ortb2.ext.prebid.previousauctioninfo[].timestamp integer Time that the previous auction info payload was collected