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Unified ID

Module unifiedIdSystem
EID Source
bidRequest.userId tdid
Example "1111"

The Unified ID solution is provided by and the Trade Desk.

Add it to your Prebid.js package with:

gulp build --modules=unifiedIdSystem

Unified ID Registration

You can set up Unified ID in one of these ways:

The Unified ID privacy is covered under the TradeDesk Services Privacy Policy.

Unified ID Configuration

Param under userSync.userIds[] Scope Type Description Example
name Required String "unifiedId" "unifiedId"
params Required for UnifiedId Object Details for UnifiedId initialization.  
params.partner Either this or url required for UnifiedId String This is the partner ID value obtained from registering with The Trade Desk or working with a Prebid.js managed services provider. "myTtdPid"
params.url Required for UnifiedId if not using TradeDesk String If specified for UnifiedId, overrides the default Trade Desk URL.
value Optional Object Used only if the page has a separate mechanism for storing the Unified ID. The value is an object containing the values to be sent to the adapters. In this scenario, no URL is called and nothing is added to local storage {"tdid": "D6885E90-2A7A-4E0F-87CB-7734ED1B99A3"}

Unified ID Examples

  1. Publisher has a partner ID with The Trade Desk, and is using the default endpoint for Unified ID.

    Bug: The default URL did not support HTTPS in Prebid.js 2.10-2.14. So instead of using the ‘partner’ parameter, it’s best to supply the Trade Desk URL as shown in this example.

         userSync: {
             userIds: [{
                 name: "unifiedId",
                 params: {
                     url: "//"
                 storage: {
                     type: "cookie",
                     name: "pbjs-unifiedid",       // create a cookie with this name
                     expires: 60                   // cookie can last for 60 days
             syncDelay: 3000              // 3 seconds after the first auction
  2. Publisher supports UnifiedID with a vendor other than Trade Desk and HTML5 local storage.

         userSync: {
             userIds: [{
                 name: "unifiedId",
                 params: {
                     url: "URL_TO_UNIFIED_ID_SERVER"
                 storage: {
                     type: "html5",
                     name: "pbjs-unifiedid",    // set localstorage with this name
                     expires: 60
             syncDelay: 3000
  3. Publisher has integrated with UnifiedID on their own and wants to pass the UnifiedID directly through to Prebid.js.

         userSync: {
             userIds: [{
                 name: "unifiedId",
                 value: {"tdid": "D6885E90-2A7A-4E0F-87CB-7734ED1B99A3"}

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