Anonymised Real Time Data Provider Module

Anonymised is a data anonymization technology for privacy-preserving advertising. Publishers and advertisers are able to target and retarget custom audience segments covering 100% of consented audiences. Anonymised’s Real-time Data Provider automatically obtains segment IDs from the Anonymised on-domain script (via localStorage) and passes them to the bid-stream.

Publisher Usage

  • Build the anonymisedRtd module into the Prebid.js package with:
gulp build --modules=rtdModule,anonymisedRtdProvider,...
  • Use setConfig to instruct Prebid.js to initialize the anonymisedRtdProvider module, as specified below.


   realTimeData: {
     dataProviders: [
         name: "anonymised",
         waitForIt: true,
         params: {
           cohortStorageKey: "cohort_ids",
           bidders: ["appnexus", "onetag", "pubmatic", "smartadserver", ...],
           segtax: 1000,
           tagConfig: {
            clientId: 'testId'
            //The rest of the Anonymised Marketing Tag parameters goes here

The anonymisedRtdProvider must be integrated into the publisher’s website along with the Anonymised Marketing Tag. One way to install the Marketing Tag is through anonymisedRtdProvider by specifying the required parameters in the tagConfig object.

The tagConfig.clientId parameter is mandatory for the Marketing Tag to initialize. If tagConfig is empty or tagConfig.clientId is undefined, the anonymisedRtdProvider will not initialize the Marketing Tag. The publisher’s clientId is provided by Anonymised.

For any questions or assistance with integrating Prebid, anonymisedRtdProvider, or the Anonymised Marketing Tag, please contact an Anonymised representative.

Config Syntax details:

Name Type Description Notes
name String Anonymised Rtd module name ‘anonymised’ always
waitForIt Boolean Required to ensure that the auction is delayed until prefetch is complete Optional. Defaults to false
params.cohortStorageKey String the localStorage key, under which Anonymised Marketing Tag stores the segment IDs ‘cohort_ids’ always
params.bidders Array Bidders with which to share segment information Optional
params.segtax Integer The taxonomy for Anonymised ‘1000’ always
params.tagConfig Object Configuration for the Anonymised Marketing Tag Optional. Defaults to {}.
params.tagUrl String The URL of the Anonymised Marketing Tag script Optional. Defaults to