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Criteo ID for Exchanges

Module criteoIdSystem
EID Source
bidRequest.userId criteoId
Example "1111"

Criteo is the leading advertising platform for the Open Internet. The Criteo ID for Exchanges module enables publishers to access Criteo’s unique demand - more than 20.000 advertisers & brands - to monetize their exchange inventory with an optimal take rate across all browsing environments. Note that direct access to that demand is also available through Criteo Direct Bidder, in which case this module is unnecessary.

The Criteo privacy policy is at

Add it to your Prebid.js package with:

gulp build --modules=criteoIdSystem

Criteo ID Configuration

The Criteo ID module does not require any configuration parameters. It should work as-is provided that bidders use it in their adapters.

NOTE: For optimal performance, the Criteo Id module should be called at every opportunity. It embeds its own optimal caching mechanism. It’s best not to use with this module as it may only lower the performances. If you are using multiple id systems, however, you may use it for the other id systems that supports it.

Criteo ID Example

    userSync: {
        userIds: [{
            name: "criteo",

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