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Module ceeIdSystem
EID Source
bidRequest.userId ceeId
Example "1111"

Prebid Configuration

First, make sure to add ceeIdSystem to your Prebid.js package with:

gulp build --modules=ceeIdSystem

CEEID Configuration

Param under userSync.userIds[] Scope Type Description Example
name Required String The name of CEEID user ID module. "ceeId"
storage Required Object Container of storage options.  
storage.type Required String Type of storage to use "cookie" Required String Name of storage to set "ceeIdToken"
storage.expires Optional Int Time when storage should expire it is recommended to use this options otherwise storage last only during session 7
storage.refreshInSeconds Optional Int Time when storage value and expiration date will get refreshed in seconds 360
params Required Object Container of all module params.  
params.publisherId Required String Required param which defines your publisher ID to send in query '123'
params.type Required String Required param which defines type of encoding used on user email. Use ‘email’ if HEM was encoded by base64 or use ‘hex’ if it was encoded by hex 'hex'
params.value Required String Required param where you pass HEM value 'exampleHEMValue'
params.cookieName Optional String Your custom name of token to read it is only used if second way of integration is chosen. 'myExampleCookieName'

CEEID Examples

You can configure this submodule in your userSync.userIds[] configuration. We have two implementation methods depending on the publisher’s needs. The first method we suggest for publishers is to provide appropriate data that will allow you to query the endpoint to retrieve the ceeId token. To query the endpoint correctly, you will need the publisher’s ID in the params.publisheId field. In addition, the HEM type, i.e. how the user’s email was encoded, we consider two methods: base64 encoding and hex encoding. The value of HEM should be passed in the params.value field.

    userSync: {
        userIds: [{
            name: 'ceeId',
            storage: {
                type: 'cookie',
                name: 'ceeIdToken',
                expires: 7,
                refreshInSeconds: 360
            params: {
                publisherId: '123', // Publisher ID
                type: 'email', // use 'email' if HEM was encoded by base64 or use 'hex' if it was encoded by hex
                value: 'exampleHEMValue', // HEM value

The second way is to use a token from a cookie or local storage previously prepared by the publisher. The only thing needed in this approach is to enter the name of the cookie/local storage that the module should use in the params.cookieName field.

    userSync: {
        userIds: [{
            name: 'ceeId',
            storage: {
                type: 'cookie',
                name: 'ceeIdToken',
                expires: 7,
                refreshInSeconds: 360
            params: {
                cookieName: 'name' // Your custom name of token to read from cookies or local storage

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