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Permutive Identity Manager

Module permutiveIdentityManagerIdSystem
EID Source

Permutive Identity Manager

This module supports Permutive customers in using Permutive’s Identity Manager functionality.

To use this Prebid.js module it is assumed that the site includes Permutive’s SDK, with Identity Manager configuration enabled. See Permutive’s user documentation for more information on Identity Manager.

Building Prebid.js with Permutive Identity Manager Support

Prebid.js must be built with the permutiveIdentityManagerIdSystem module in order for Permutive’s Identity Manager to be able to activate relevant user identities to Prebid.

To build Prebid.js with the permutiveIdentityManagerIdSystem module included:

gulp build --modules=userId,permutiveIdentityManagerIdSystem

Prebid configuration

There is minimal configuration required to be set on Prebid.js, since the bulk of the behaviour is managed through Permutive’s dashboard and SDK.

It is recommended to keep the Prebid.js caching for this module short, since the mechanism by which Permutive’s SDK communicates with Prebid.js is effectively a local cache anyway.

  userSync: {
    userIds: [
        name: 'permutiveIdentityManagerId',
        params: {
          ajaxTimeout: 90
        storage: {
          type: 'html5',
          name: 'permutiveIdentityManagerId',
          refreshInSeconds: 5
    auctionDelay: 100


By default this module will read IDs provided by the Permutive SDK from local storage when requested by prebid, and if nothing is found, will not provide any identities. If a timeout is provided via the ajaxTimeout parameter, it will instead wait for up to the specified number of milliseconds for Permutive’s SDK to become available, and will retrieve identities from the SDK directly if/when this happens.

This value should be set to a value smaller than the auctionDelay set on the userSync configuration object, since there is no point waiting longer than this as the auction will already have been triggered.

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