GAM: Native Ads Integration

Native Ads

The general integration scenario requires these steps from publishers:

  1. Prepare the ad layout.
  2. Create Native Ad Unit and appropriate GAM ad loader.
  3. Configure the Native Ad unit using NativeAdConfiguration.
    • Provide the list of Native Assets representing the ad’s structure.
    • Tune other general properties of the ad.
  4. Make a bid request.
  5. Prepare publisherAdRequest using GamUtils.prepare
  6. After receiving response from GAM - check if prebid has won and find native ad using GamUtils
  7. Bind the winner data from the native ad response with the layout.
val builder = AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
val publisherAdRequest =
nativeAdUnit?.fetchDemand { result ->
    val fetchDemandResult = result.fetchDemandResult
    if (fetchDemandResult != FetchDemandResult.SUCCESS) {
    GamUtils.prepare(publisherAdRequest, result)

NOTE: loadGam method is creating GAM adLoader and executing loadAd(publisherAdRequest).

Example of handling NativeAd response (the same applies to Custom):

private fun handleNativeAd(nativeAd: NativeAd) {
    if (GamUtils.didPrebidWin(nativeAd)) {
        GamUtils.findNativeAd(nativeAd) {
    else {

Native Styles

See Native Ads Guideline page for more details about SDK integration and supported ad types.

Integration Example:

// 1. Create banner custom event handler for GAM ad server.
val eventHandler = GamBannerEventHandler(requireContext(), GAM_AD_UNIT, GAM_AD_SIZE)

// 2. Create a bannerView instance and provide GAM event handler
bannerView = BannerView(requireContext(), configId, eventHandler)
// (Optional) set an event listener

// 3. Provide NativeAdConfiguration
val nativeAdConfiguration = createNativeAdConfiguration()

// Add bannerView to your viewContainer

// 4. Execute ad loading

Step 1: Create Event Handler

GAM’s event handlers are special containers that wrap GAM Ad Views and help to manage collaboration between GAM and Prebid views.

Important: you should create and use a unique event handler for each ad view.

To create the event handler you should provide a GAM Ad Unit Id and the list of available sizes for this ad unit.

Note: There is a helper function convertGamAdSize in GamBannerEventHandler to help you convert GAM AdSize into Prebid AdSize.

Step 2: Create Ad View

BannerView - is a view that will display the particular ad. It should be added to the UI. To create it you should provide:

  • configId - an ID of a Stored Impression on the Prebid server
  • eventHandler - the instance of the banner event handler

Also, you should add the instance of BannerView to the UI.

Step 3: Create and provide NativeAdConfiguration

NativeAdConfiguration creation example:

private fun createNativeAdConfiguration(): NativeAdConfiguration {
    val nativeAdConfiguration = NativeAdConfiguration()
    nativeAdConfiguration.contextType = NativeAdConfiguration.ContextType.SOCIAL_CENTRIC
    nativeAdConfiguration.placementType = NativeAdConfiguration.PlacementType.CONTENT_FEED
    nativeAdConfiguration.contextSubType = NativeAdConfiguration.ContextSubType.GENERAL_SOCIAL

    val methods = ArrayList<NativeEventTracker.EventTrackingMethod>()
    val eventTracker = NativeEventTracker(NativeEventTracker.EventType.IMPRESSION, methods)

    val assetTitle = NativeAssetTitle()
    assetTitle.len = 90
    assetTitle.isRequired = true

    val assetIcon = NativeAssetImage()
    assetIcon.type = NativeAssetImage.ImageType.ICON
    assetIcon.wMin = 20
    assetIcon.hMin = 20
    assetIcon.isRequired = true

    val assetImage = NativeAssetImage()
    assetImage.hMin = 20
    assetImage.wMin = 200
    assetImage.isRequired = true

    val assetData = NativeAssetData()
    assetData.len = 90
    assetData.type = NativeAssetData.DataType.SPONSORED
    assetData.isRequired = true

    val assetBody = NativeAssetData()
    assetBody.isRequired = true
    assetBody.type = NativeAssetData.DataType.DESC

    val assetCta = NativeAssetData()
    assetCta.isRequired = true
    assetCta.type = NativeAssetData.DataType.CTA_TEXT
    nativeAdConfiguration.nativeStylesCreative = nativeStylesCreative

    return nativeAdConfiguration

See more NativeAdConfiguration options here.

Step 4: Load the Ad

Call the loadAd() method to start an In-App Bidding flow.