This page documents various global parameters you can set on the Prebid SDK for iOS. It describes the properties and methods of the Prebid SDK that allow you to supply important parameters to the header bidding auction.
Specifically, app developers should consider each of these general sections:
Note that the SDK’s Targeting class uses the term “Targeting” loosely. It’s mostly about passing data to bidders that would help improve auction results. But there are also fields and methods in the Targeting class that convey privacy data, Open Measurement info, and other data used beyond actual bid targeting.
The Prebid
class is a singleton that enables you to apply certain global settings.
All of these properties of the Prebid class can be set on the shared
object like this:
Parameter | Scope | Type | Purpose | Description | Example |
prebidServerAccountId | either | string | init | Your Prebid Server team will tell you whether this is required or not and if so, the value. | “abc123” |
prebidServerHost | optional | enum | init | This can take the values “Appnexus”, “Rubicon”, or “Custom”. If “Custom”, you need to use the setCustomPrebidServerUrl() method to set a URL. This is where the Prebid SDK will send the auction information. Your Prebid Server team will tell you which value to use. The default is “Custom”. | “Custom” |
customStatusEndpoint | optional | string | init | Use this URL to check the status of Prebid Server. The default status endpoint is the PBS URL appended with ‘/status’. | https://prebidserver .example .com/custom /status |
shareGeoLocation | optional | boolean | ORTB | If this flag is true AND the app collects the user’s geographical location data, Prebid Mobile will send the user’s lat/long geographical location data to the Prebid Server. The default is false. | true |
locationUpdatesEnabled | optional | boolean | ORTB | If true, the SDK will periodically try to listen for location updates. Default is false . |
true |
logLevel | optional | enum | SDK control | This property controls the level of logging output to the console. The value can be .error, .info, .debug, .verbose, .warn, .severe, and .info. The default is .debug . |
.error |
debugLogFileEnabled | optional | boolean | SDK control | If set to true, the output of PrebidMobile’s internal logger is written to a text file. Default is false . |
true |
timeoutMillis | optional | integer | init | (SDK v1.2+) The Prebid SDK timeout. When this number of milliseconds passes, the Prebid SDK returns control to the ad server SDK to fetch an ad without Prebid bids. | 1000 |
creativeFactoryTimeout | optional | integer | SDK control | Controls how long a banner creative has to load before it is considered a failure. This value is in seconds. The default is 6 seconds. | 10 |
creativeFactory |
optional | integer | SDK control | Controls how much time video and interstitial creatives have to load before it is considered a failure. This value is in seconds. The default is 30 seconds. | 60 |
storedAuctionResponse | optional | string | ORTB | For testing and debugging. Get this value from your Prebid Server team. It signals Prebid Server to respond with a static response from the Prebid Server Database. See more information on stored auction responses. | “abc123-sar-test-320x50” |
pbsDebug | optional | boolean | ORTB | Adds the debug flag (test :1) on the outbound http call to the Prebid Server. The test flag signals to the Prebid Server to emit the full resolved request and the full Bid Request and Bid Response to and from each bidder. |
true |
shouldAssign |
optional | boolean | ORTB | Whether to automatically assign an assetID for a Native ad. Default is false . |
true |
useCacheForReporting |
optional | boolean | ORTB | Indicates whether PBS should cache the bid on the server side. If the value is true the Prebid SDK will make the cache request to retrieve the cached asset. Default is false . |
true |
useExternal |
optional | boolean | SDK control | Controls whether to use PrebidMobile’s in-app browser or the Safari App for displaying ad clickthrough content. Default is false. | true |
impClickbrowserType | optional | enum | ORTB | Indicates the type of browser opened upon clicking the creative in an app. This corresponds to the OpenRTB imp.clickbrowser field. Values are “embedded” and “native”. Default is “native”. | “native”. |
includeWinners | optional | boolean | ORTB | If true , Prebid sdk will add includewinners flag inside the targeting object described in PBS Documentation . Default is false . |
true |
includeBidderKeys | optional | boolean | ORTB | If true , Prebid sdk will add includebidderkeys flag inside the targeting object described in PBS Documentation . Default is false . |
true |
eventDelegate | optional | PrebidEventDelegate | init | Sets an event delegate to handle all auction requests and responses. It allows to collect some statistical data. Note that the SDK stores this callback as a weak reference so you need to store a reference to it. | class PrebidEventDelegateTestsMockDelegate: PrebidEventDelegate { func prebidBidRequestDidFinish(requestData: Data?, responseData: Data?) { ... } } |
Defines which Prebid Server to connect to. See the initialization page for iOS.
Stored Bid Responses are for testing and debugging similar to Stored Auction Responses (see the Global Properties above). They signal Prebid Server to respond with a static pre-defined response, except Stored Bid Responses actually exercise the bidder adapter. For more information on how stored bid responses work, refer to the Prebid Server endpoint doc. Your Prebid Server team will help you determine how best to setup test and debug.
func addStoredBidResponse(bidder: String, responseId: String)
Parameter | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
bidder | required | string | Bidder name as defined by Prebid Server | “bidderA” |
responseId | required | string | ID used in the Prebid Server Database. Get this value from your Prebid Server team. | “abc123-sbr-test-300x250” |
This method clears any stored bid responses. It doesn’t take any parameters.
func clearStoredBidResponses()
Parameters: none.
This method enables you to customize the HTTP call to Prebid Server.
func addCustomHeader(name: String, value: String)
Parameter | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | required | string | Name of the custom header | “X-mycustomheader” |
value | required | string | Value for the custom header | “customvalue” |
Allows you to clear any custom headers you have previously set.
func clearCustomHeaders()
Parameters: none
This section describes how app developers can provide info on user consent to the Prebid SDK and how SDK behaves under different kinds of restrictions.
You should follow Apple’s Guidelines on implementing App Tracking Transparency. The Prebid SDK automatically sends ATT signals, so no Prebid-specific work is required.
Prebid Mobile supports IAB TCF. For a general overview of Prebid Mobile support for GDPR, see the Prebid Mobile Guide to Privacy Regulation.
There are two ways to provide information on user consent to the Prebid SDK:
. This is the preferred approach.The Prebid SDK prioritizes values set explicitly through the API over those stored by the CMP. If the publisher provides TCF data both ways, the values set through the API will be sent to the PBS, and values stored by the CMP will be ignored.
Prebid SDK provides three properties to set TCF consent values explicitly, though this method is not preferred. Ideally, the Consent Management Platform will set these values – see the next section.
If you need to set the values directly, here’s how to indicate that the user is subject to GDPR:
Targeting.shared.subjectToGDPR = false
To provide the consent string:
Targeting.shared.gdprConsentString = "BOMyQRvOMyQRvABABBAAABAAAAAAEA"
To set the purpose consent:
Targeting.shared.purposeConsents = "100000000000000000000000"
Related functions: getSubjectToGDPR(), getDeviceAccessConsent(), getDeviceAccessConsentObjc, getPurposeConsent(), isAllowedAccessDeviceData().
Prebid SDK reads the values for the following keys from the UserDefaults
For more detailed information, read the In-App Details section of the TCF.
Publishers shouldn’t explicitly assign values for these keys unless they have a custom-developed Consent Management Platform (CMP). If the publisher wants to provide this data to the Prebid SDK, they should use the explicit APIs described above.
Here’s how Prebid SDK processes CMP values:
The California Consumer Protection Act prompted the IAB to implement the “US Privacy” protocol.
Prebid SDK reads and sends USP/CCPA signals according to the US Privacy User Signal Mechanism and OpenRTB extension.
Prebid SDK reads the value for the IABUSPrivacy_String
key from the UserDefaults
and sends it in the regs.ext.us_privacy
object of the OpenRTB request.
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of the United States is a way for content producers to declare that their content is aimed at children, which invokes additional privacy protections.
Prebid SDK follows the OpenRTB 2.6 spec and provides an API to indicate whether the current content falls under COPPA regulation. Publishers can set the respective flag using the targeting API:
Targeting.shared.subjectToCOPPA = true
Prebid SDK passes this flag in the regs.coppa
object of the bid requests.
If you’re app developer setting this COPPA flag, we recommend you also:
property to falseA Consent Management Platform (CMP) utilizing IAB’s Global Privacy Protocol is a comprehensive way for apps to manage user consent across multiple regulatory environments.
Since version 2.0.6, Prebid SDK reads and sends GPP signals:
. It is sent to Prebid Server on regs.gpp
.Defining OMSDK values is only relevant for the ‘Bidding-Only’ Prebid integration with GAM. In this case the creative is rendered by GMA SDK and publishers should provide OMID description in the bid request. If you use Prebid SDK as a rendering engine you shouldn’t use these properties – it sends them automaticaly according to the current OMID setup.
OMSDK is designed to facilitate 3rd party viewability and verification measurement for ads served in mobile app enviroments. Prebid SDK will provide the signaling component to Bid Adapters by way of Prebid Server, indicating that the impression is eligible for OMSDK support. Prebid SDK does not currently integrate with OMSDK itself, instead it will rely on a publisher ad server to render viewability and verification measurement code.
There are three components to signaling support for OMSDK:
The IAB OMSDK compliant partner name responsible for integrating with the OMSDK spec.
Targeting.shared.omidPartnerName = "Google"
The OMSDK version number for the integration partner.
Targeting.shared.omidPartnerVersion = "1.0"
The following code lets bidders know that Open Measurement is being used for this adunit:
let parameters = BannerParameters()
parameters.api = [Signals.Api.OMID_1]
This translates in OpenRTB to imp[].banner.api=7
First Party Data (FPD) is information about the app or user known by the developer that may be of interest to advertisers.
Prebid SDK provides a number of properties in the Targeting class for setting user-oriented First Party Data.
func setLatitude(latitude: Double, longitude: Double)
func addUserData(key: String, value: String)
func updateUserData(key: String, value: Set<String>)
func removeUserData(forKey: String)
func clearUserData()
func addUserKeyword(_ newElement: String)
func addUserKeywords(_ newElements: Set<String>)
func removeUserKeyword(_ element: String)
func clearUserKeywords()
func getUserKeywords()
Targeting.shared.addUserData(key: "globalUserDataKey1", value: "globalUserDataValue1")
Note: The ‘UserData’ functions end up putting data into the OpenRTB object while the ‘UserKeywords’ functions put data into user.keywords.
Related functions: setYearOfBirth(), getYearOfBirth() and clearYearOfBirth().
Prebid SDK provides a number of methods and properties in the Targeting class for setting content-oriented First Party Data.
func addAppExtData(key: String, value: String)
func updateAppExtData(key: String, value: Set<String>)
func removeAppExtData(for key: String)
func clearAppExtData()
func getAppExtData()
func addAppKeyword(_ newElement: String)
func addAppKeywords(_ newElements: Set<String>)
func removeAppKeyword(_ element: String)
func clearAppKeywords()
func getAppKeywords()
Targeting.shared.addAppExtData((key: "globalContextDataKey1", value: "globalContextDataValue1")
Prebid Server will let you control which bidders are allowed access to First Party Data. Prebid SDK collects this an Access Control List with the following methods:
func addBidderToAccessControlList(_ bidderName: String)
func removeBidderFromAccessControlList(_ bidderName: String)
func clearAccessControlList()
Mobile apps traditionally rely on IDFA-type device IDs for advertising, but there are other User ID systems available to app developers and more will be made available in the future. Prebid SDK supports two ways to maintain User ID details:
Any identity vendor’s details in local storage will be sent to Prebid Server unadulterated. If user IDs are set both in the property and entered into local storage, the property data will prevail.
Note that the phrase “EID” stands for “Extended IDs” in OpenRTB 2.6, but for historic reasons, Prebid SDK methods use the word “external” rather than “extended”. Please consider the phrase “external ID” a synonym for “extended ID”.
, the Prebid SDK no longer saves EIDs to permanent storage. As a result, all EIDs will be cleared after the application restarts.
Prebid SDK supports passing an array of EIDs at auction time in the Prebid global field externalUserIds
. Setting the externalUserIds
object once per user session is sufficient unless one of the values changes.
let uniqueId1 = UserUniqueID(id: "111111111111", aType: 20, ext: ["rtiPartner": "TDID"])
let uniqueId2 = UserUniqueID(id: "_fl7bV96WjZsbiUyQnJlQ3g4ckh5a1N", aType: 777)
let fullUserId = ExternalUserId(source: "", uids: [uniqueId1, uniqueId2])
The Shared ID is a randomly generated first-party identifier managed by Prebid. It remains the same throughout the current app session unless reset. If local storage access is permitted, the same ID may persist across multiple app sessions indefinitely. However, Shared ID values do not remain consistent across different apps on the same device.
The SDK will include it in the user.ext.eids
array during auction request if the publisher explicitly permits it:
Targeting.shared.sendSharedId = true
To remove the existing Shared ID value from local storage, the SDK offers the following method:
Once cleared, the next time Targeting.shared.sharedId
is accessed, a new, randomly generated Shared ID value will be created and returned.
Certain identity vendors require an external dependency to generate user identity and then to pass it via Prebid SDK. Please note that these are references to a 3rd party code and Prebid has not inspected it. Links to the documentations of those references will be listed in this section.
UID2 provides a native library for automatically updating latest UID2 token stored inside UID2 SDK for iOS into Prebid’s external user’s ID list.
App developers are not required to manually call Prebid.shared.externalUserIdArray = latestExternalUserIdArray
as the native library will do so automatically
There are several other fields app developers may want to set to give bidders additional information about the auction.
Note that several of the properties noted here are also mentioned above for other use cases, e.g. subjectToCOPPA
. All properties of the ‘Targeting’ class are listed here.
Parameter | Scope | Type | Platform | Description | Example |
storeURL | recommended | string | both | App store URL for an installed app; for Inventory Quality Guidelines 2.1 compliance. Translates to OpenRTB app.storeurl | |
contentUrl | recommended | string | both | This is the deep-link URL for the app screen that is displaying the ad. This can be an iOS universal link. | |
publisherName | recommended | string | both | OpenRTB | “Example, Co.” |
itunesID | recommended | string | both | Translates to OpenRTB app.bundle | “11111111” |
coppa | optional | integer | objC | Defines whether this content is meant for children. 0=false, 1=true. Defaults to false. | 1 |
subjectToCOPPA | optional | boolean | swift | Defines whether this content is meant for children. Defaults to false. | true |
sourceapp | optional | string | both | Translates to OpenRTB | “Example App” |
domain | optional | string | both | Translates to OpenRTB app.domain | “” |
omidPartnerName | optional | string | both | The IAB OMSDK compliant partner name responsible for integrating with the OMSDK spec. | “Google” |
omidPartnerVersion | optional | string | both | The OMSDK version number for the integration partner. | “1.0” |
userGender | optional | enum | both | “M” = male, “F” = female, “O” = known to be other (i.e., omitted is unknown) | “F” |
userExt | optional | array of key-value pairs | both | This is a dictionary of key-value pairs that forms the user.ext object. Prebid requires user-first party data in, so this should be a dictionary that contains a ‘data’ key whose value is another dictionary. | { data: { key1: val1, key2: val2 }} |
subjectToGDPR | discouraged | boolean | ? | Defines whether this request is in-scope for European privacy regulations. See above for more information. | true |
gdprConsentString | discouraged | string | both | See the GDPR settings section above. | |
purposeConsents | discouraged | string | both | See the GDPR settings section above. |
All of the targeting class methods have been mentioned above in the context of First Party Data section above.
(requires SDK v2.3.1)
Prebid SDK allows the customization of the OpenRTB request on the global level using setGlobalORTBConfig()
let globalORTB = """
"ext": {
"myext": {
"test": 1
"displaymanager": "Google",
"displaymanagerver": "\(GADGetStringFromVersionNumber(GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().versionNumber))"
The parameter passed to Targeting.shared.setGlobalORTBConfig()
will be merged into all SDK’s bid requests on the global level. For instance, the above example will add the $.ext.myext.test
parameter and change the displaymanager
and displaymanagerver
parameters in each request.
To invalidate the global config, just set the empty string:
The Targeting.shared.setGlobalORTBConfig()
also allows to add impression objects to the request. All objects in the $.imp[]
array will be added to the request. Note that Ad Unit’s imp
object won’t be changed using Global Config. To change the imp
config, use the setImpORTBConfig()
method of a particular Ad Unit. See the Ad Unit documentation for the details.
Pay attention that there are certain protected fields such as regs
, device
, geo
, ext.gdpr
, ext.us_privacy
, and ext.consent
which cannot be changed using the setGlobalORTBConfig()
The Prebid Mobile SDK v2.2.1 contains the deprecated method to set the impression level RTB config:
//ad unit / impression-level
This method has implementation issues and was deprecated in v2.4.0. If you use this method, we strongly recommend migrating to the new setImpORTBConfig()
method since this one will be removed entirely in SDK version 3.0.