Analytics Sustainability Best Practices


This page collects recommendations for analytics providers interested in exploring ways to save carbon emissions while preserving revenue. See the Susta inability Portal for more background.

Tip 1: Connection reuse

Much like bidders, analytics adapters should reuse connections as much as possible. Enabling HTTP2/3 and bundling of events can be impactful.

More importantly, analytics events should be buffered and sent as a group where possible. For example, don’t send separate payloads for the auction event, the bid response event, the bid won event, etc. Combine them into one payload.

Tip 2: Reduce sent payloads

Send only the data that you need and can process. Avoid sending long data fields that are potentially duplicate or not needed.

Specific examples:

  • Don’t send the TCF or GPP strings if you’re not parsing them. Consider sending just the privacy flags needed.
  • Don’t send User Agent strings in the payload when they can be obtained from the HTTP header.

Tip: 3 Reduce response payloads

Do not send unnecessarily verbose responses. An empty 204 response is all that is usually necessary. If you have a need for more verbose responses then consider compression.

Further Reading