Richmedia Filter Module


This module lets Prebid Server accounts define filtering rules for certain types of richmedia bid responses.

Currently, it can be configured to block MRAID responses for publishers that do not want MRAID creatives to run.


The parameters to the module are:

Parameter Type Scope Description Notes
enabled boolean optional Enable the module for this account Defaults to false
filter-mraid boolean optional Enable the MRAID filter for this account Defaults to false
mraid-script-pattern string optional Required if filter-mraid is true, defines what pattern is used to identity MRAID creatives. No default

Here’s an example of the account config used in PBS-Java:

   "hooks": {
      "modules": {
         "pb-richmedia-filter": {
            "enabled": true,
            "filter-mraid": true,
            "mraid-script-pattern": "mraid.js"
            // future richmedia filtering options go here
      "execution-plan": {
            "endpoints": {
                "/openrtb2/amp": {
                    "stages": {
                        "all-processed-bid-responses": {
                            "groups": [
                                    "timeout": 5,
                                    "hook-sequence": [
                                            "module-code": "pb-richmedia-filter",
                                            "hook-impl-code": "pb-richmedia-filter-all-processed-bid-responses-hook"
                "/openrtb2/auction": {
                    "stages": {
                        "all-processed-bid-responses": {
                            "groups": [
                                    "timeout": 5,
                                    "hook-sequence": [
                                            "module-code": "pb-richmedia-filter",
                                            "hook-impl-code": "pb-richmedia-filter-all-processed-bid-responses-hook"

Further Reading