This document details how to make a ‘privacy module’ for PBS-Java. This type of module is not related to the main workflow modules. Rather, it’s a specialized type of module that
You will want to be familiar with the following background information:
The module’s code style should correspond to the PBS-Java project code style.
The source code of your privacy module must be inside packages:
// Privacy Module provider
// Privacy Module implementation
// Account config for your Privacy Module (if presented as a single class, then a separate package isn’t required)
The quick start is to take a look in three places:
The ‘usnat’ code is documented on the website as usgen
Among the Prebid server processing workflow, there are several ‘activities’ that require permission from the Activity Infrastructure to run.
The available activities that the Activity Infrastructure can control can be found in the corresponding enum: Activity.
Whenever a workflow asks permission to perform an activity, the configured rules will be processed. All rules implement
the Rule
interface. In accordance with this, every privacy module implements PrivacyModule
interface, which
inherits Rule
interface, with methods should be implemented:
- returns one of the privacy module answers: ALLOW
.public class MyPrivacyModule implements PrivacyModule {
private final GppModel gppModel;
private final int forbiddenSection;
private MyPrivacyModule(GppModel gppModel, int forbiddenSection) {
this.gppModel = gppModel;
this.forbiddenSection = forbiddenSection;
public Result proceed(ActivityInvocationPayload activityInvocationPayload) {
return gppModel != null && gppModel.hasSection(forbiddenSection)
: Result.ABSTAIN;
The lifecycle of a privacy module is defined by PrivacyModuleCreator
. Possible life cycles:
consists of methods that must be implemented:
- returns privacy module qualifier.from(...)
- returns created privacy module.public class MyPrivacyModuleCreator implements PrivacyModuleCreator {
public PrivacyModuleQualifier qualifier() {
return PrivacyModuleQualifier.MY_PRIVACY_MODULE;
public PrivacyModule from(PrivacyModuleCreationContext creationContext) {
final MyPrivacyModuleConfig moduleConfig = moduleConfig(creationContext);
final GppModel gppModel = creationContext.getGppContext().scope().getGppModel();
final List<PrivacyModule> innerPrivacyModules = SetUtils.emptyIfNull(moduleConfig.getForbiddenSections())
.map(forbiddenSection -> new MyPrivacyModule(gppModel, forbiddenSection))
return new AndPrivacyModules(innerPrivacyModules);
private static MyPrivacyModuleConfig moduleConfig(PrivacyModuleCreationContext creationContext) {
return (MyPrivacyModuleConfig) creationContext.getPrivacyModuleConfig();
is an enumeration containing all possible unique names of the privacy modules supported by this
server instance.
public enum PrivacyModuleQualifier {
// other qualifiers
@JsonProperty(Names.MY_PRIVACY_MODULE) // required when adding MY_PRIVACY_MODULE
// fields and methods
public static class Names {
// other names
public static final String MY_PRIVACY_MODULE = ""; // required when adding MY_PRIVACY_MODULE
Any privacy module must be configured in the account configuration to affect Prebid server processing workflow.
When adding a new privacy module, it is important to create an appropriate configuration class. The configuration class
must implement the AccountPrivacyModuleConfig
interface, with methods should be implemented:
- returns privacy module qualifier.enabled()
- returns boolean. null
or true
means that this privacy module is ‘on’.IMPORTANT. Because the Prebid server can merge account configurations from different locations, make sure:
deserializeFromJson(serializeToJson(config object)) == config object
@Value(staticConstructor = "of")
public class MyPrivacyModuleConfig implements AccountPrivacyModuleConfig {
@Accessors(fluent = true)
Boolean enabled;
Set<Integer> forbiddenSections;
public PrivacyModuleQualifier getCode() {
return PrivacyModuleQualifier.MY_PRIVACY_MODULE;
package org.prebid.server.settings.model.activity.privacy;
// other privacy modules
@JsonSubTypes.Type( // relationship between configuration class and privacy module name
value = MyPrivacyModuleConfig.class, // configuration class
name = PrivacyModuleQualifier.Names.MY_PRIVACY_MODULE)}) // privacy module name
public sealed interface AccountPrivacyModuleConfig permits
// other privacy modules
MyPrivacyModuleConfig { // configuration class must be listed after 'permits' keyword
// methods
Privacy module beans must be inside the destined configuration class: ActivityInfrastructureConfiguration.PrivacyModuleCreatorConfiguration
If there is only one bean associated with the privacy module:
static class PrivacyModuleCreatorConfiguration {
// other privacy modules
MyPrivacyModuleCreator myPrivacyModuleCreator() {
return new MyPrivacyModuleCreator();
If there are multiple beans associated with the privacy module:
static class PrivacyModuleCreatorConfiguration {
// other privacy modules
static class MyPrivacyModuleCreatorConfiguration {
MyPrivacyModuleDependency myPrivacyModuleDependency() {
return new MyPrivacyModuleDependency();
MyPrivacyModuleCreator myPrivacyModuleCreator(MyPrivacyModuleDependency myPrivacyModuleDependency) {
return new MyPrivacyModuleCreator(myPrivacyModuleDependency);
To be able to debug the Activity Infrastructure and be able to track interactions with your privacy module, it is recommended that your PrivacyModule
implement the Loggable
consists of methods that must be implemented:
- returns JsonNode
that can represent any desired structure to include in the trace log.For example:
public class MyPrivacyModule implements PrivacyModule, Loggable {
// privacy module code
public JsonNode asLogEntry(ObjectMapper mapper) {
return TextNode.valueOf(
"%s forbidding %d section.".formatted(
The privacy module interface logs information that analytics adapters may want to consume. For example, if you’re an analytics provider
and want to check whether there was a skipRate config present, you can read the log for skipped:true
and log however your analytics requires.
For example:
"description": "Invocation of Activity Infrastructure.",
"activity": "transmitUfpd",
"activity_invocation_payload": {
"component_type": "BIDDER",
"component_name": "bidderA"
"description": "Setting the default invocation result.",
"allow_by_default": true
"description": "Processing rule.",
"rule_configuration": {
"and": [
"privacy_module": "iab.usgeneral",
"skipped": true,
"result": "ABSTAIN"
"result": "ABSTAIN"