Android GAM Bidding-Only Integration - Rewarded Video

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Integration example:

private fun createAd() {
    // 1. Create RewardedVideoAdUnit
    adUnit = RewardedVideoAdUnit(CONFIG_ID)

    // 2. Configure Video parameters
    adUnit?.videoParameters = configureVideoParameters()

    // 3. Make a bid request to Prebid Server
    val request = AdManagerAdRequest.Builder().build()
    adUnit?.fetchDemand(request) {

        // 4. Load a GAM Rewarded Ad

Configure video ad unit:

private fun configureVideoParameters(): VideoParameters {
    return VideoParameters(listOf("video/mp4")).apply {
        protocols = listOf(Signals.Protocols.VAST_2_0)
        playbackMethod = listOf(Signals.PlaybackMethod.AutoPlaySoundOff)

Implement Rewarded ad listener:

private fun createListener(): RewardedAdLoadCallback {
    return object : RewardedAdLoadCallback() {
        override fun onAdLoaded(rewardedAd: RewardedAd) {

            // 5. Display rewarded ad
            ) { }

        override fun onAdFailedToLoad(loadAdError: LoadAdError) {
            Log.e("GAM", "Ad failed to load: $loadAdError")

Step 1: Create an Ad Unit

Initialize the Rewarded Video Ad Unit with the following properties:

  • configId - an ID of Stored Impression on the Prebid Server

Step 2: Configure video parameters

Provide configuration properties for the video ad using the VideoParameters object.

Step 3: Make a bid request

The fetchDemand method makes a bid request to the Prebid Server. You should provide an AdManagerAdRequest object to this method so Prebid SDK sets the targeting keywords of the winning bid for future ad requests.

Step 4: Load a GAM Rewarded Ad

Now you should request the ad from GAM. If the AdManagerAdRequest contains targeting keywords, the respective Prebid line item will be returned from GAM, and GMA SDK will render its creative.

Be sure that you make the ad request with the same AdManagerAdRequest object that you passed to the fetchDemand method. Otherwise, the ad request won’t contain targeting keywords, and Prebid’s ad won’t ever be displayed.

Step 5: Present the Rewarded Ad

Follow the GMA SDK guide to display a rewarded ad right after receiving it or later in a natural pauses in the flow of an app.

Further Reading