Android GAM Bidding-Only Integration - HTML Banner

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Starting with Prebid Mobile 2.1.0 you can use BannerAdUnit to bid over the banner and/or video demand. The default ad format is BANNER. To customize the bidding format, specify the ad formats in the BannerAdUnit constructor.

Integration example:

private fun createAd() {
    // 1. Create BannerAdUnit
    adUnit = BannerAdUnit(CONFIG_ID, WIDTH, HEIGHT)

    // 2. Configure banner parameters
    val parameters = BannerBaseAdUnit.Parameters()
    parameters.api = listOf(Signals.Api.MRAID_3, Signals.Api.OMID_1)
    adUnit?.parameters = parameters

   // For multi-size request
   adUnit?.addAdditionalSize(728, 90)

    // 3. Create AdManagerAdView
    val adView = AdManagerAdView(this)
    adView.adUnitId = AD_UNIT_ID
    adView.setAdSizes(AdSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
    adView.adListener = createGAMListener(adView)

    // Add GMA SDK banner view to the app UI

    // 4. Make a bid request to Prebid Server
    val request = AdManagerAdRequest.Builder().build()
    adUnit?.fetchDemand(request) {

        // 5. Load GAM Ad

It may be necessary to implement AdListener to adjust banner view size according to the creative size, for the case where there are several ad sizes supported. This logic is not needed for a single size banner:

Prebid SDK can be thought of an OpenRTB request synthesizer. OpenRTB does not have a notion of adaptive banners, but it has a notion of several banner sizes / formats in one request. So an adaptive banner may be represented as a request containing several banner sizes, e.g. a fixed width that equals the size of the screen and several different heights. The examples here deal with a single ad size, but more can be added via BannerParameters.adSizes array.

GAM ad view listener:

private fun createGAMListener(adView: AdManagerAdView): AdListener {
    return object : AdListener() {
        override fun onAdLoaded() {

            // 6. Resize ad view if needed
            AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize(adView, object : AdViewUtils.PbFindSizeListener {
                override fun success(width: Int, height: Int) {
                    adView.setAdSizes(AdSize(width, height))

                override fun failure(error: PbFindSizeError) {}


  1. in case you use a single-size banner (as opposed to multi-size), i.e. 300x250 - you don’t need to make a call to the AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize routine - because you already know the size of the creative (it is 300x250), however you still need to make a call to bannerView.resize because the creative has the 1x1 size by default and without this call it will be rendered, but as a pixel.
  2. Make sure you properly process all possible cases in the AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize callbacks (both success and failure). Sometimes you might not get the size of the creative (or a failure callback) - it simply means that this is not a Prebid creative. It means that you still need to render the creative, but you most likely don’t need to resize it - at least Prebid knows nothing about it.

Step 1: Create a BannerAdUnit

Initialize the BannerAdUnit with properties:

  • configId - an ID of the Stored Impression on the Prebid Server
  • width - the width of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request.
  • height - the height of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request.

Step 2: Configure banner parameters

Using the BannerParameters object you can customize the bid request for banner ads.

Starting from PrebidMobile 2.1.0 the BannerBaseAdUnit.Parameters class is deprecated. Use BannerParameters instead.


Defines the OpenRTB banner.formats array.

interstitialMinWidthPerc and interstitialMinHeightPerc

For interstitials only, these define which sizes Prebid Server will choose to send to bidders. See Prebid Server interstitial support. If this option is used, you’ll need to set the size to 1x1.


The api property is dedicated to adding values for API Frameworks to bid response according to the OpenRTB 2.6 spec. The supported values for GMA SDK integration are:

  • 3 or Signals.Api.MRAID_1 : MRAID-1 support signal
  • 5 or Signals.Api.MRAID_2 : MRAID-2 support signal
  • 6 or Signals.Api.MRAID_3 : MRAID-3 support signal
  • 7 or Signals.Api.OMID_1 : signals OMSDK support

Step 3: Create an AdManagerAdView

Follow the GMA SDK documentation to integrate a banner ad unit.

Step 4: Make a bid request

The fetchDemand method makes a bid request to the Demand Manager. You should provide an AdManagerAdRequest object to this method. Prebid SDK will set the targeting keywords of the winning bid into provided object. Eventually you should use this object to make an ad request to GAM.

Step 5: Load an Ad

You should now request the ad from GAM. If the AdManagerAdRequest contains targeting keywords, the respective Prebid line item will be returned from GAM, and GMA SDK will render its creative.

Be sure that you make the ad request with the same AdManagerAdRequest object that you passed to the fetchDemand method. Otherwise, the ad request won’t contain the targeting keywords, and Prebid’s ad won’t ever be displayed.

Step 6: Adjust the ad view size

Once an app receives a signal that an ad is loaded, you should use the method AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize to verify whether it’s Prebid’s ad and resize the ad slot respectively to the creative’s properties.


  1. In case you use a single-size banner (as opposed to multi-size), f.e. 300x250 - you don’t need to make a call to the AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize routine - because you already know the size of the creative (it is 300x250), however you still need to make a call to bannerView.resize() because the creative has the 1x1 size by default and without this call it will be rendered, but as a pixel.
  2. Make sure you properly process all possible cases in the AdViewUtils.findPrebidCreativeSize callbacks (both success and failure). Sometimes you might not get the size of the creative (or a failure callback) - it simply means that this is not a Prebid creative. It means that you still need to render the creative, but you most likely don’t need to resize it - at least Prebid knows nothing about it.

Further Reading