NativeAdUnit: AdUnit

The NativeAdUnit is a subclass of the AdUnit class. Use the NativeAdUnit object to create and configure a native ad unit in your app.



Create a new NativeAdUnit associated with a Prebid Server configuration ID.


configId (String): Prebid Server configuration ID. Note: this is a Prebid Server impression-level stored request ID.


Create a NativeAdUnit

let nativeUnit = NativeRequest(configId: your-config-id)

Configure the NativeAdUnit

To configure the NativeAdUnit create the following objects and set the value of NativeAdUnit.assets to an array containing these items.


Type Scope Description
Main Optional The image that will be displayed in the native ad. Include a value for minimumWidth and minimumHeight. Ensure that the NativeAssetImage.type is set to ImageAsset.Main
Icon Optional The icon that will be displayed with the native ad. Include a value for minimumWidth and minimumHeight. Ensure that the NativeAssetImage.type is set to ImageAsset.Icon.


Type Scope Description
Description Optional The content to appear with the ad. Ensure that the type is set to DataAsset.description.
ctatext Optional The text for the call to action button of the native ad. Ensure that the type is set to DataAsset.ctatext.
Sponsored Optional The sponsor (brand) of the native ad. Ensure that the type is set to DataAsset.sponsored.


Type Scope Description
Title Optional The title of the native ad.


let image = NativeAssetImage(minimumWidth: 200, minimumHeight: 200, required: true)

image.type = ImageAsset.Main

let icon = NativeAssetImage(minimumWidth: 20, minimumHeight: 20, required: true)

icon.type = ImageAsset.Icon

let title = NativeAssetTitle(length: 90, required: true)

let body = NativeAssetData(type: DataAsset.description, required: true)

let cta = NativeAssetData(type: DataAsset.ctatext, required: true)

let sponsored = NativeAssetData(type: DataAsset.sponsored, required: true)

nativeUnit.assets = [icon,title,image,body,cta,sponsored]

let event1 = EventType.Impression

eventTrackers = NativeEventTracker(event: event1, methods: [EventTracking.Image,EventTracking.js])

nativeUnit.eventtrackers = [eventTrackers]

Load the NativeAdUnit

nativeUnit.fetchDemand(adObject: self.request) { [weak self] (resultCode: ResultCode) in

    print("Prebid demand fetch successful \(")

    // call loadAd to load the view
