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pbjs.adServers.dfp.buildAdpodVideoUrl(options) [Alpha]

The GAM implementation of this function requires including the dfpAdServerVideo module in your Prebid.js build.

This method combines publisher-provided parameters with Prebid.js targeting parameters to build a GAM video ad tag URL that can be used by a video player.

Argument Reference

The options object
Field Type Description
iu string adunit
description_url string The value should be the url pointing to a description of the video playing on the page.


        cache: {
            url: ''
        adpod: {
            brandCategoryExclusion: true
        brandCategoryTranslation: {
            translationFile: ""

        bidsBackHandler: function(bids) {
            pbjs.adServers.dfp. buildAdpodVideoUrl({
                codes: ['sample-code'],
                params: {
                    iu: '/123456/testing/',
                    description_url: ''
                callback: function(err, masterTag) {
                    // Invoke video player and pass the master tag

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