Generic analytics adapter


This is an analytics adapter that can interface with any backend, meant for publishers that prefer to manage their own analytics infrastructure. The simplest setup requires just a URL that will be sent all data from all Prebid events; with additional options for filtering or formatting.

Analytics Options

Name Scope Type Description
handler required unless url is provided Function Custom handler function - example
url required unless handler is provided String Data collection URL
method optional String HTTP method used to call url. Defaults to 'POST'
batchSize optional Number Number of events to collect into a single call to handler or url. Defaults to 1
batchDelay optional Number Time (in milliseconds) to wait before calling handler or url with an incomplete batch (when fewer than batchSize events have been collected). Defaults to 100
events optional Object Map from event name to a custom format function. When provided, only events in this map will be collected, using the data returned by their corresponding function - example
gvlid optional Number Global vendor list ID to use for the purpose of GDPR purpose 7 enforcement - see note
sampling optional Number Sampling rate, expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Data is collected only on this ratio of browser sessions. Defaults to 1

Note on TCF controls

If you are using the TCF control module to enforce purpose 7, by default this module will be blocked when GDPR is in scope. To enable it, you may either specify the gvlid option (if you are interfacing with a partner) or declare a softVendorException if you deem that vendor consent is not required for compliance:

    consentManagement: {
        gdpr: {
            rules: [{
                purpose: "measurement",
                enforcePurpose: true,
                enforceVendor: true,
                softVendorExceptions: ["generic"]


Send all data to given URL using single requests

    provider: 'generic',
    options: {
        url: ''

Example request payload:

  "eventType": "auctionInit",
  "args": {
    "auctionId": "97000db4-ae78-4e93-81d1-66b83ac10a74",
    "timestamp": 1666207538126,
    "auctionStatus": "inProgress",
    "adUnits": [
       /* ... */
    "noBids": [],
    "bidsReceived": [],
    "bidsRejected": [],
    "winningBids": [],
    "timeout": 2000,
    "metrics": {
      /* ... */

if options.method is set to 'GET', the same JSON payload is encoded into a single search parameter named data, e.g.

Batch multiple events together

    provider: 'generic',
    options: {
        url: '',
        batchSize: 10

Example request payload:

        "eventType": "auctionInit",
        "args": {
            "auctionId": "97000db4-ae78-4e93-81d1-66b83ac10a74",
            "timestamp": 1666207538126,
            "auctionStatus": "inProgress",
            "adUnits": [
                /* ... */
            "noBids": [],
            "bidsReceived": [],
            "bidsRejected": [],
            "winningBids": [],
            "timeout": 2000,
            "metrics": {
                /* ... */
        "eventType": "bidRequested",
        "args": {
            "bidderCode": "appnexus",
            "auctionId": "db4edde6-ee66-4779-b7ed-c7295d3e3c49",
            "bidderRequestId": "3cf3eaf48bd5f48",
            "uniquePbsTid": "1565fd02-d4fd-4369-bf8e-0dee2a00aca5",
            "bids": [
                /* ... */
            "auctionStart": 1666208826440,
            "timeout": 10000,
            "src": "s2s",
            "refererInfo": {
                /* ... */
            "metrics": {
                /* ... */
            "ortb2": {
                /* ... */
            "uspConsent": "1YNN",
            "start": 1666208826445,
            "tid": "db4edde6-ee66-4779-b7ed-c7295d3e3c49"
    /* ... */

Custom formatting

    provider: 'generic',
    options: {
        url: '',
        batchSize: 10,
        events: {
            bidRequested(request) {
                return {
                    type: 'REQUEST',
                    auctionId: request.auctionId,
                    bidder: request.bidderCode
            bidResponse(response) {
                return {
                    type: 'RESPONSE',
                    auctionId: response.auctionId,
                    bidder: response.bidderCode

Example request payload:

    "auctionId": "e41e3fcb-6209-4995-b0be-2aed21a8bdf6",
    "bidder": "appnexus",
    "type": "REQUEST"
    "auctionId": "e41e3fcb-6209-4995-b0be-2aed21a8bdf6",
    "bidder": "appnexus",
    "type": "RESPONSE"
  /* ... */

Custom handler

    provider: 'generic',
    options: {
        handler(data) {
            // `data` is an array of length `batchSize`. If `events` is provided, the elements are the values returned
            // by the format functions defined therein; otherwise, they have the format {eventType, args}.
            fetch('', {
                method: 'POST',
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    location: window.location.href,

See also

Prebid.js events