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Bidder Code freewheelssp Member no
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter yes
Media Types display, video Multi Format Support check with bidder
TCF-EU Support yes IAB GVL ID 285
GPP Support some (check with bidder) DSA Support check with bidder
USP/CCPA Support yes COPPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK check with bidder Supports Deals check with bidder
Floors Module Support check with bidder First Party Data Support check with bidder
User IDs none ORTB Blocking Support partial
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder Prebid Server App Support check with bidder

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
zoneId required The zone ID for the ad. “2003” string
format optional The format to use for displaying the ad. Can be one of the following:
* inbanner
Note: The screen-roll, intext-roll, sliderad and floorad formats are all FreeWheel outstream formats.
Default value: “instream”
“screen-roll” string
bidfloor optional Bid floor price. 13.2118 float
bidfloorcur optional Bid floor currency. “USD” string
vastUrlParams optional Add query parameters to the vast request. Should be a single item level JSON.
Works with formats: instream, inbanner
{ protocolVersion:’3.0’ } object

When the following params are used with instream or inbanner formats, they should be included in the vastUrlParams object. For other formats, they should be included directly in the params object:

Name Scope Description Example Type
soundButton optional If enabled, the sound will be off by default and the user will be able to turn it on/off by clicking on a button. (disabled on iOS devices)
Default value: false
true boolean
defaultMute optional If “soundButton=true” is set, controls if the video will start with the sound muted.
Default value: true
false boolean
timeline optional Display a progress bar to the bottom of the ad unit.
Default value: false
true boolean
protocolVersion optional Specify the VAST version that will be used for the vastVersion parameter value on AdsSetup request.
Default Value: 4.2
3 .0 float
onOver optional Allows to enable the sound only when the mouse is over the ad container.
Works with formats: screen-roll, intext-roll, sliderad, floorad, expand-banner
Default value: false
true boolean
closeTimeout optional The duration in milliseconds before displaying the close button.
Works with formats: screen-roll, intext-roll, sliderad, floorad
Default value: 5000
2000 integer
animated optional Enable an animation on opening and on closing of the video.
Works with formats: intext-roll, sliderad
Default value: true
false boolean
animationSpeed optional If the animated parameter is set to true, allows to choose the animation speed in milliseconds.
Works with formats: intext-roll, sliderad
Default value: 700
500 integer
contentId optional Displays the ad inside the content-id dom element (dom id). Requires an ‘auto’, ‘p’ or ‘article’ param.
Works with format: intext-roll
“element-id” string
auto optional If value is set to “v2”, position the intext-roll automatically. If contentId is set, the auto positioning will find a position inside the ‘contentId’ dom element.
If contentId is not set, the auto positionaing will search the best position to display the ad based on the page semantic. It will select several possible position and show the intext-roll at the time one of them is made visible.
Works with format: intext-roll
Default value: null
“v2” string
article optional Set the location of the ad just after the given article tag in the page (0 is for the first article tag). If content-id is set, the article index is relative to articles inside the ‘content-id’ dom element “element-id”
Works with format: intext-roll
p optional Set the location of the ad just after the given paragraph tag in the page (0 is for the first p tag). If content-id is set, the p index is relative to paragraphs inside the ‘content-id’ dom element.
Works with format: intext-roll
“element-id” string
iframeMode optional Indicate to intext-roll that it is served in a friendly hidden iframe. Can be one of the following:
normal - place ad in friendly iframe
dfp - place ad in iframe on dfp platform
Works with format: intext-roll
“normal” string
inRead optional When true, will keep the ad slot window on the page when the ad is done.
Works with format: intext-roll
Default value: false
true boolean
lang optional Text language. Can be one of: [fr,en,es,it,de,nl,pt]
Works with format: intext-roll
Default value: “fr”
“en” string
openingTime optional The time in milliseconds to display the opening animation.
Works with format: intext-roll
Default value: 0
100 integer
pauseRatio optional Specify the viewabilityratio where the ad is paused. This can be a float between 0 and 1, or “never” which means never paused. The default value will pause when the ad has less than 50% viewability.
Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner
Default value: 0.5
0.9 float | string
closeAction optional Define what to do for the banner after all ads complete. Can be one of:
collapse - will set the target css display property to “none”.
hide - will leave the target element in place, empty.
Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner
Default value: “collapse”
“hide” string
domId optional id of the dom element containing the text. If this targeted div is empty, be sure it has the needed width or a width of 0px will be used. Note that the script tag should be added in the page AFTER the targeted dom element so the target will be ready when the script runs.
Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner
“element-id” string
errorAction optional Define what to do for the banner after an ad error. Can be one of:
collapse - will set the target css display property to “none”.
hide - will leave the target element in place, empty.
Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner
Default value: “collapse”
“hide” string
stickToTop optional Controls if the ad will stick to the top of the browser window. Can be one of the following:
true - The ad will stick to the top of the browser window upon scroll.
“bottom” - The ad will stick to the top and will be hidden again when reaching the bottom of the page.
* number - The ad will stick to the top for the given distance in pixels.
Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner
300 boolean \| string \| number
blurDisplay optional Allow to choose between too blur effects for the sides of the banner. Can be one of:
big - will show the blured video only once in the background.
duplicate - will show the blured video twice: once for each side.
Works with format: expand-banner
Default value: “big”
“duplicate” string
expandDirection optional Allows to force the expansion direction. Can be one of the following:
before - Expand to the left if the banner is vertical and to the top if the banner is horizontal.
after - Expand to the right if the banner is vertical and to the bottom if the banner is horizontal.
center - Expand to left and right if the banner is vertical. Expand to the top and bottom if the banner is horizontal.
auto - Expand based on the space available on the page. Expand to the left and/or right if the banner is vertical. and expand to the top and bottom if the banner is horizontal, depending on the space available.
* none - Banner will not expand
Works with format: expand-banner
Default value: “auto”
“before” string
zIndex optional Force the z-index value on the ad container. The default value is around 4100 (see IAB guidelines). Use this parameter if it doesn’t fit your needs.
Works with format: expand-banner
Default value: ~4100
1000 integer
hAlign optional Horizontal side where to display the video. Can be one of:
left - horizontal align to the left of the page.
middle - horizontal align to the middle of the page.
* right - horizontal align to the right of the page.
Works with format: sliderad
Default value: “right”
“left” string
hSpacing optional Set a horizontal spacing between the hAlign side and the video.
Works with format: sliderad
Default value: 10
20 integer
vAlign optional Vertical side where to display the video. Can be one of:
top - vertical align to the top of the page.
middle - vertical align to the middle of the page.
* bottom - vertical align to the bottom of the page.
Works with format: sliderad
Default value: “bottom”
“top” string
vSpacing optional Set a vertical spacing between the vAlign side and the video.
Works with format: sliderad
Default value: 10
20 integer
mod optional Ad trigger mode. Can be one of:
asap - play the ad asap
click - play the ad when the user clicks a link
* scroll - play the ad when the user scrolls
Works with format: screen-roll
Default value: “asap”
“click” string
opacity optional Define the opacity of the background. This is a number between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (totally black).
Works with format: screen-roll
Default value: 0.4
.5 float
smartPlay optional Enable to use autoPlay on mobile devices.
Works with format: screen-roll
Default value: false
true boolean
bannerHeight optional The height in pixel of the bottom banner. The video ad takes this height when its not expanded.
Works with format: floorad
Default value: 250
500 integer

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_freewheelssp hb_bidder_freewheels hb_adid_freewheelssp
hb_size_freewheelssp hb_source_freewheels hb_format_freewheels
hb_cache_host_freewh hb_cache_id_freewhee hb_uuid_freewheelssp
hb_cache_path_freewh hb_deal_freewheelssp

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