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Bidder Code equativ Member no
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter yes
Media Types display Multi Format Support will-bid-on-one
TCF-EU Support yes IAB GVL ID 45
GPP Support tcfeu, usp DSA Support yes
USP/CCPA Support yes COPPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK yes Supports Deals no
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support no
User IDs all ORTB Blocking Support yes
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder Prebid Server App Support check with bidder


The Equativ bidder adapter requires setup and approval from the Equativ service team. Please reach out to your account manager for more information to start using it.

Bid Params


Name Scope Description Example Type
networkId required The network identifier you have been provided with. Normally required, but there are certain conditions under which this may be omitted. See Bid Parameter Usage notes below for more information. 1234 integer
siteId optional The placement site ID. See Bid Parameter Usage notes below for more information. 1234 integer
pageId optional The placement page ID. See Bid Parameter Usage notes below for more information. 1234 integer
formatId optional The placement format ID. See Bid Parameter Usage notes below for more information. 1234 integer


Different combinations of parameters are required depending upon which ones you choose to use.

There are two options for passing Equativ-specific bidder parameters: through bidder params, or through ortb2.

Through bidder params Object

Publishers can specify required and/or optional parameters through the bidder params object hierarchy like this:

var adUnits = [
    /// ... mediaType and other stuff here
    bids: [
        bidder: 'equativ',
        params: {
          networkId: 42, // REQUIRED
          siteId: 142, // optional
          pageId: 242, // optional
          formatId: 342, // optional
Through ortb2

A second way to specify Equativ-specific bidder parameters is through the ortb2 object. The example below references a hierarchy, but publishers can also use or as their needs dictate.

  bidders: ['equativ'],
  config: {
    ortb2: {
      site: {
        publisher: {
          id: 42,

Supported Media Types

Type Support
banner Supported
video Supported
native Supported

User Syncing

To enable cookie syncing, make sure the configuration setup is properly invoked.

This involves adding an entry for setConfig() that allows user syncing for iframes with 'equativ' included as a bidder:

  userSync: {
    filterSettings: {
      iframe: {
        bidders: ['equativ'],

And also making sure that storage is enabled for equativ.

Prebid note: please review with your legal counsel before enabling storageAllowed. Bidders utilizing browser storage may trigger the need for additional disclosures in your privacy policy and may imply that the bid adapter is performing an activity redundant with user ID systems like SharedID. See the ePrivacy Directive article 5(3) reference to ‘comprehensive information’.

pbjs.bidderSettings = {
  equativ: {
    storageAllowed: true,

Ad Unit Setup

As mentioned in the Bid Params > Usage section, when including 'equativ' as one of the available bidders in an adunit setup, there are two approaches to how publishers can specify parameters. The below example uses the approach using the params object.

var bannerAdUnits = [
    code: 'div-123',
    mediaTypes: {
      banner: {
        sizes: [
          [600, 500],
          [300, 600],
    bids: [
        bidder: 'equativ',
        params: {
          networkId: 42, // REQUIRED
          siteId: 142, // optional
          pageId: 242, // optional
          formatId: 342, // optional

pbjs.que.push(function () {


As mentioned in the Bid Params > Usage section, when including 'equativ' as one of the available bidders in an adunit setup, there are two approaches to how publishers can specify parameters. The below example uses the approach using the params object.

Note that the optional, recommended and REQUIRED comments apply to the property itself, and not necessarily the values used in this example (i.e. skip is a recommended property to include, but it is up to publishers to decide what particular value it should have).

var videoAdUnits = [
    code: 'div-123',
    mediaTypes: {
      video: {
        context: 'instream',
        mimes: ['video/mp4'], // REQUIRED
        linearity: 1, // optional
        minduration: 10, // recommended
        maxduration: 30, // recommended
        placement: 1, // REQUIRED
        skip: 1, // recommended
        startdelay: 1, // recommended
        pos: 1, // optional
        playbackmethod: 1, // optional
        battr: [10, 11], // optional
        api: [1, 2], // optional
        playerSize: [640, 480], // recommended
    bids: [
        bidder: 'equativ',
        params: {
          networkId: 42, // REQUIRED
          siteId: 142, // optional
          pageId: 242, // optional
          formatId: 342, // optional

pbjs.que.push(function () {


As mentioned in the Bid Params > Usage section, when including 'equativ' as one of the available bidders in an adunit setup, there are two approaches to how publishers can specify parameters. The below example uses the approach using the params object.

var nativeAdUnits = [
    code: 'native-div',
    mediaTypes: {
      native: {
        adTemplate: `<div class="sponsored-post">
                  <div class="thumbnail" style="background-image: url(##hb_native_asset_id_2##);"></div>
                  <div class="content">
                          <a href="%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%##hb_native_linkurl##" target="_blank" class="pb-click" hb_native_asset_id="1">##hb_native_asset_id_1##</a>
                      <div class="attribution">##hb_native_asset_id_6##</div>
        ortb: {
          context: 1,
          plcmttype: 1,
          assets: [
              id: 1,
              required: 1,
              title: {
                len: 80, // Title  (corresponds with id 1 from ad markup)
              id: 2,
              required: 1,
              img: {
                type: 3, // Main Image (corresponds with id 2 from  ad markup)
                w: 300,
                h: 180,
              id: 6,
              required: 1,
              img: {
                type: 1, // Additional image (corresponds with id 6 from  ad markup)
                w: 100,
                h: 100,
              id: 9,
              required: 1,
              data: {
                type: 2, // Additional text (description) (dodatkowy )corresponds with id 9 from  ad markup)
          eventtrackers: [
              event: 1,
              methods: [1],
          ver: '1.2',
          privacy: 1,
    bids: [
        bidder: 'equativ',
        params: {
          networkId: 73,
          formatId: 142,
          pageId: 242,
          siteId: 342,

pbjs.que.push(function () {


It is possible to specify audio inventory through the Equativ adapter. To do so, publishers can define a video-formatted ad unit and specify audio information through the ortb2Imp property, like the example shown below.

Note that the optional, recommended and REQUIRED comments apply to the property itself, and not necessarily the values used in this example (i.e. minduration is a recommended property to include, but it is up to publishers to decide what particular value it should have).

var audioAdUnits = [
    code: '/19968336/header-bid-tag-1',
    mediaTypes: {
      video: {
        context: 'instream',
        playerSize: [640, 480],
    ortb2Imp: {
      audio: {
        mimes: ['audio/mpeg', 'audio/mp4'], // REQUIRED
        api: [7], // optional
        delivery: [2, 4], // optional
        minbitrate: 128, // optional
        maxbitrate: 192, // optional
        minduration: 10, // recommended
        maxduration: 30, // recommended
        maxextended: -1, // optional
        protocols: [1, 3, 4, 7], // recommended
        startdelay: 5, // recommended
    bids: [
        bidder: 'equativ',
        params: {
          networkId: 1234,

pbjs.que.push(function () {

Note: If a demand partner of Equativ is not capable of reading an audio object, the audio object will be converted into a video object with audio mime types. There is, as of this writing, no built-in/default support for serving audio assets in Prebid, so publishers that wish to do so will need to ensure their ad server setups can process whatever hand-offs are necessary.

Additional Resources

Information about how Equativ supports the oRTB specification, along with additional examples, can be found on our OpenRTB API support site.

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_equativ hb_bidder_equativ hb_adid_equativ
hb_size_equativ hb_source_equativ hb_format_equativ
hb_cache_host_equati hb_cache_id_equativ hb_uuid_equativ
hb_cache_path_equati hb_deal_equativ

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