Bidder Code | connatix | Member | no |
Prebid.js Adapter | yes | Prebid Server Adapter | no |
Media Types | display, video | Multi Format Support | will-bid-on-one |
TCF-EU Support | yes | IAB GVL ID | 143 |
GPP Support | tcfeu, usp | DSA Support | check with bidder |
USP/CCPA Support | yes | COPPA Support | no |
Supply Chain Support | no | Demand Chain Support | no |
Safeframes OK | yes | Supports Deals | yes |
Floors Module Support | yes | First Party Data Support | no |
User IDs | none | ORTB Blocking Support | yes |
Privacy Sandbox | check with bidder |
Bid Params
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId |
required | Placement id | 'ed8a9c16-88ea-4724-aa0d-013c3e595e49' |
string |
bidfloor |
optional | Floor price | 2.5 |
float |
Media Types
The following parameters are available for
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
context | recommended | instream or outstream | “instream” | string |
playerSize | required | width, height of the player in pixels | [640,360] - will be translated to w and h in bid request | Array<integer> |
mimes | recommended | List of content MIME types supported by the player (see openRTB v2.5 for options) | [“video/mp4”] | Array<string> |
protocols | recommended | Supported video bid response protocol values 1: VAST 1.0 2: VAST 2.0 3: VAST 3.0 4: VAST 1.0 Wrapper 5: VAST 2.0 Wrapper 6: VAST 3.0 Wrapper 7: VAST 4.0 8: VAST 4.0 Wrapper |
[2,3,5,6] | Array<integer> |
linearity | recommended | OpenRTB2 linearity. 1: linear (in-stream ad), 2: non-linear (overlay ad) | 1 | integer |
maxduration | recommended | Maximum video ad duration in seconds. | 30 | integer |
minduration | recommended | Minimum video ad duration in seconds | 6 | integer |
playbackmethod | recommended | Playback methods that may be in use. Only one method is typically used in practice. (see openRTB v2.5 section 5.10 for options) | [2] | Array<integer> |
api | optional | Supported API framework values: 1: VPAID 1.0 2: VPAID 2.0 3: MRAID-1 4: ORMMA 5: MRAID-2 |
[2] | Array<integer> |
skip | optional | Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. | 1 | integer |
skipmin | optional | Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable; only applicable if the ad is skippable. | 30 | integer |
skipafter | optional | Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled; only applicable if the ad is skippable. | 6 | integer |
minbitrate | optional | Minimum bit rate in Kbps. | 300 | integer |
maxbitrate | optional | Maximum bit rate in Kbps. | 9600 | integer |
startdelay | recommended | Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements. >0: Mid-Roll (value indicates start delay in second) 0: Pre-Roll -1: Generic Mid-Roll -2: Generic Post-Roll |
0 | integer |
placement | recommended | Placement type for the impression. (see OpenRTB v2.5 section 5.9 for options) | 1 | integer |
plcmt | recommended | Placement type for the impression. (See OpenRTB v2.6 Plcmt Subtypes - Video) | 1 | integer |
pos | optional | OpenRTB page position value: 0=unknown, 1=above-the-fold, 3=below-the-fold, 4=header, 5=footer, 6=sidebar, 7=full-screen | 1 | integer |
Example video
var adUnits = [
code: "1",
mediaTypes: {
video: {
context: "instream",
w: 1280,
h: 720,
playerSize: [1280, 720], // recommended
placement: 1,
plcmt: 1,
api: [1, 2],
mimes: ["video/mp4", "application/javascript"],
minduration: 30,
maxduration: 60,
startdelay: 0,
bids: [
bidder: "connatix",
params: {
placementId: "e4984e88-9ff4-45a3-8b9d-33aabcad634e", // required
bidfloor: 2.5, // optional
// Add more bidders and their parameters as needed
// Define more ad units here if necessary
The following parameters are available for mediaTypes.banner
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sizes | required | All the sizes of the banner this ad unit can accept. | [[300, 250], [300, 600]] | [number, number][] |
pos | optional | OpenRTB page position value: 0=unknown, 1=above-the-fold, 3=below-the-fold, 4=header, 5=footer, 6=sidebar, 7=full-screen | 1 | integer |
Example banner
var adUnits = [
code: "1",
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[640, 480],
[320, 180],
bids: [
bidder: "connatix",
params: {
placementId: "e4984e88-9ff4-45a3-8b9d-33aabcad634e", // required
bidfloor: 2.5, // optional
// Add more bidders and their parameters as needed
// Define more ad units here if necessary
To maximize revenue efficiency, please enable iframe
user syncing.
Connatix strongly recommends enabling user syncing through iFrames. This functionality improves DSP user match rates and increases the bid rate and bid price. Make sure to call pbjs.setConfig()
only once. This configuration is optional in Prebid, but required by Connatix.
Example configuration
userSync: {
filterSettings: {
iframe: {
bidders: ["connatix"],
filter: "include",
"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys
These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.hb_pb_connatix |
hb_bidder_connatix |
hb_adid_connatix |
hb_size_connatix |
hb_source_connatix |
hb_format_connatix |
hb_cache_host_connat |
hb_cache_id_connatix |
hb_uuid_connatix |
hb_cache_path_connat |
hb_deal_connatix |