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Bidder Code beachfront Member yes
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter yes
Media Types display, video Multi Format Support check with bidder
TCF-EU Support yes IAB GVL ID 335
GPP Support some (check with bidder) DSA Support check with bidder
USP/CCPA Support yes COPPA Support check with bidder
Supply Chain Support yes Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK check with bidder Supports Deals check with bidder
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support yes
User IDs unifiedId, identityLink, uid2, hadronId ORTB Blocking Support check with bidder
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder Prebid Server App Support yes


To use the beachfront bidder you will need an appId (Exchange Id) from an exchange account on

For further information, please contact

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
appId required Beachfront Exchange ID '11bc5dd5-7421-4dd8-c926-40fa653bec76' string
bidfloor required Bid floor. The floor price module will take priority over this value. 0.01 float
video optional Object with video parameters. See the video section below for details.   object
banner optional Object with banner parameters. See the banner section below for details.   object
player optional Object with outstream player parameters. See the player section below for details.   object

video params

Name Scope Description Example Type
appId optional Beachfront Exchange ID for video bids. '11bc5dd5-7421-4dd8-c926-40fa653bec76' string
bidfloor optional Bid floor for video bids. 0.01 float
tagid optional Tag ID 'placement-name' string
responseType optional Video response type.
nurl: VAST URL only
adm: VAST XML only
'both' string
mimes optional Array of strings listing supported MIME types. ["video/mp4", "application/javascript"] Array<string>
playbackmethod optional Playback method supported by the publisher.
1: Auto-play sound on
2: Auto-play sound off
3: Click-to-play
4: Mouse-over
1 integer
maxduration optional Maximum video ad duration in seconds. 30 integer
placement optional Placement type for the impression.
1: In-Stream
2: In-Banner
3: In-Article
4: In-Feed
5: Interstitial/Slider/Floating
1 integer
plcmt optional Placement type for the impression. See AdCOM v1 spec 1 integer
skip optional Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped. 1 integer
skipmin optional Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable. 15 integer
skipafter optional Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled. 5 integer

Name Scope Description Example Type
appId optional Beachfront Exchange ID for banner bids. '3b16770b-17af-4d22-daff-9606bdf2c9c3' string
bidfloor optional Bid floor for banner bids. 0.01 float
tagid optional Tag ID 'placement-name' string

player params

Name Scope Description Example Type
progressColor optional The color of the progress bar formatted as a CSS value. '#50A8FA' string
adPosterColor optional The color of the ad poster formatted as a CSS value. '#FFFFFF' string
expandInView optional Defines whether to expand the player when the ad slot is in view. Defaults to false. false boolean
collapseOnComplete optional Defines whether to collapse the player when ad playback has completed. Defaults to true. true boolean

First Party Data

Publishers should use the ortb2 method of setting First Party Data. The following fields are supported:

  • ortb2.user.*

Example first party data that’s available to all bidders and all adunits:

    ortb2: {
        site: {
            keywords: "kw1,kw2",
            content: {
                title: "title1",
                series: "series1"
        user: {
            keywords: "a,b",
            gender: "M",
            yob: 1984

Prebid Server

As seen in the JSON response from {your PBS server}\/bidder\/params, the beachfront bidder can take either an “appId” parameter, or an “appIds” parameter. If the request is for one media type, the appId parameter should be used with the value of the Exchange Id on the Beachfront platform.

The appIds parameter is for requesting a mix of banner and video. It has two parameters, “banner”, and “video” for the appIds of two appropriately configured exchanges on the platform. The appIds parameter can be sent with just one of its two parameters and it will behave like the appId parameter.

If the request includes an appId configured for a video response, the videoResponseType parameter can be defined as “nurl”, “adm” or “both”. These will apply to all video returned. If it is not defined, the response type will be a nurl. The definitions for “nurl” vs. “adm” are here: (

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_beachfront hb_bidder_beachfront hb_adid_beachfront
hb_size_beachfront hb_source_beachfront hb_format_beachfront
hb_cache_host_beachf hb_cache_id_beachfro hb_uuid_beachfront
hb_cache_path_beachf hb_deal_beachfront

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