Installing PBS-Java


This project is built upon Vert.x to achieve high request throughput. We use Maven and attempt to introduce minimal dependencies.

Getting Started

To start the Prebid Server you need to do the following steps:

  • Build all-in-one JAR file from sources as described in the build documentation.
  • Check minimal needed configuration file sample/prebid-config.yaml.
  • Also, check the Data Cache settings file sample/sample-app-settings.yaml. For more information how to configure the server follow the config documentation.

  • Run your server with:
    java -jar target/prebid-server.jar --spring.config.additional-location=sample/prebid-config.yaml

    For more information how to start the server follow the run documentation.

  • To verify everything is OK go to http://localhost:8080/status and check response status is 200 OK.

More project documentation can be found here.