
public class Signals : NSObject

A class containing constants related to OpenRTB signals.

This class provides static constants and values representing different API frameworks, playback methods, protocols, start delays, and video placement types as defined in the OpenRTB specification.

  • Api

    OpenRTB - API Frameworks

     | Value | Description |
     | 1     | VPAID 1.0   |
     | 2     | VPAID 2.0   |
     | 3     | MRAID-1     |
     | 4     | ORMMA       |
     | 5     | MRAID-2     |
     | 6     | MRAID-3     |
     | 7     | OMID-1      |
    See more



    public class Api : SingleContainerInt
  • OpenRTB - Playback Methods

    | Value | Description                                              |
    | 1     | Initiates on Page Load with Sound On                     |
    | 2     | Initiates on Page Load with Sound Off by Default         |
    | 3     | Initiates on Click with Sound On                         |
    | 4     | Initiates on Mouse-Over with Sound On                    |
    | 5     | Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound On             |
    | 6     | Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound Off by Default |
    See more



    public class PlaybackMethod : SingleContainerInt
  • OpenRTB - Protocols

    | Value | Description       |
    | 1     | VAST 1.0          |
    | 2     | VAST 2.0          |
    | 3     | VAST 3.0          |
    | 4     | VAST 1.0 Wrapper  |
    | 5     | VAST 2.0 Wrapper  |
    | 6     | VAST 3.0 Wrapper  |
    | 7     | VAST 4.0          |
    | 8     | VAST 4.0 Wrapper  |
    | 9     | DAAST 1.0         |
    | 10    | DAAST 1.0 Wrapper |
    See more



    public class Protocols : SingleContainerInt
  • OpenRTB - Start Delay

    | Value | Description                                      |
    | > 0   | Mid-Roll (value indicates start delay in second) |
    | 0     | Pre-Roll                                         |
    | -1    | Generic Mid-Roll                                 |
    | -2    | Generic Post-Roll                                |
    See more



    public class StartDelay : SingleContainerInt
  • OpenRTB - Video Placement Types

    | Value | Description                  |
    | 1     | In-Stream                    |
    | 2     | In-Banner                    |
    | 3     | In-Article                   |
    | 4     | In-Feed                      |
    | 5     | Interstitial/Slider/Floating |
    See more



    public class Placement : SingleContainerInt