
public class NativeAdMarkup : NSObject, JsonDecodable

Represents the markup for a native ad, including assets, tracking URLs, and other metadata.

  • Version of the Native Markup version in use.



    public var version: String?
  • List of native ad’s assets. Required if no assetsurl. Recommended as fallback even if assetsurl is provided.



    public var assets: [NativeAdMarkupAsset]?
  • URL of an alternate source for the assets object. The expected response is a JSON object mirroring the assets object in the bid response, subject to certain requirements as specified in the individual objects. Where present, overrides the asset object in the response.



    public var assetsurl: String?
  • URL where a dynamic creative specification may be found for populating this ad, per the Dynamic Content Ads Specification. Note this is a beta option as the interpretation of the Dynamic Content Ads Specification and how to assign those elements into a native ad is outside the scope of this spec and must be agreed offline between the parties or as may be specified in a future revision of the Dynamic Content Ads spec. Where present, overrides the asset object in the response.



    public var dcourl: String?
  • Destination Link. This is default link object for the ad. Individual assets can also have a link object which applies if the asset is activated(clicked). If the asset doesn’t have a link object, the parent link object applies. See LinkObject Definition



    public var link: NativeLink?
  • Array of impression tracking URLs, expected to return a 1x1 image or 204 response - typically only passed when using 3rd party trackers. To be deprecated - replaced with eventtrackers.



    public var imptrackers: [String]?
  • Optional JavaScript impression tracker. This is a valid HTML, Javascript is already wrapped in