Geolocation Module


The Geolocation module lets publishers get user’s precise location with their permissions. The first permission that is needed is directly asked from site’s navigator alert. Then if site has installed a CMP (Consent Management Platform), this module checks the geolocation permission from consent data. The module provides Geolocation coords using the Geolocation API.


  1. Build the geolocation RTD module into the Prebid.js package with:

     gulp build --modules=geolocationRtdProvider.js,...
  2. Use setConfig to instruct Prebid.js to initilize the geolocation module, as specified below.


This module is configured as part of the realTimeData.dataProviders object:

    realTimeData: {
        dataProviders: [{
            "name": "geolocation",
            "waitForIt": true,
            "params": {
                "requestPermission": true

Parameter details:

Name Type Description Notes
name String Real time data module name Required, always ‘geolocation’
waitForIt Boolean   Required, always true
params Object    
params.requestPermission Boolean Customer permission Required, always true

The Geolocation is set in in requestBidsObject and looks like this:

    lat: 1,     // geolocation.coords.latitude
    lon: 1,     // geolocation.coords.longitude
    lastfix: 1, // geolocation.timestamp
    type: 1

This data can be accessed from a bid adapter in one of several ways:

  1. Read directly
  2. Just merge everything in ortb2Fragments
  3. Start utilizing the ortbConverter library