Root package with ad units for the 'original API'
integration of the SDK and common classes for all SDK.
ClassDescriptionAdSize class defines the size of the ad slot to be made available for auction.Base ad unit for the original API.Original API banner ad unit for displaying banner ad.Base banner ad unit with banner and video parameters.Deprecated.Banner parameters for the OpenRTB banner object.Original API cache manager.Internal click tracker listener.Application content object for additional targeting.Producer info.Data content object for additional targeting.Segment object.User id object from an external third-party source for additional targeting.Host for requesting ad.Impression tracker listener.Original API in-stream video ad unit.Original API interstitial ad unit.Prebid logger.Internal interface.Original API native ad unit.Context type for native request.Context subtype for native request.Placement type for native request.Base class for requesting native assets.Response object for native data asset.Enum type of native data.Native data object for requesting asset.Data type.Native event tracker for requesting ad.Event tracking method.Event type.Response object for native image asset.Enum type of native image.Native image object for requesting asset.Image type.Native parameters.Response object for native title asset.Native title object for requesting asset.Fetch demand listener for original API.Additional fetch demand listener.The OpenRtbMerger class provides functionality to merge a given JSON request object with an OpenRTB string representation.Internal class for comparing parameters in adapters.Main class for managing Prebid SDK.LogLevel for logging control.c NONE - no sdk logs.Response native ad object for all assets.Native events listener.Native ad listener.Result code for fetch demand.Original API rewarded video ad unit.Internal class for network operations.Signals for the request.OpenRTB - API FrameworksOpenRTB - Video Placement Types.OpenRTB - Playback MethodsOpenRTB - Updated Video Placement type.OpenRTB - ProtocolsOpenRTB - Start DelayTargetingParams class sets the Targeting parameters like yob, gender, location and other custom parameters for the adUnits to be made available in the ORTBUtils for original API reflection manipulations.Util.Function1<R,
T> Internal interface.Deprecated.- For outstream video ads useBannerAdUnit
with adUnitFormat parameter:EnumSet.of(AdUnitFormat.VIDEO);
- For instream video ads useInStreamVideoAdUnit
.Video base ad unit with video parameters.Deprecated.Deprecated.UseInterstitialAdUnit
constructor with adUnitFormats parameter:EnumSet.of(AdUnitFormat.VIDEO);
Video parameters for requesting ad.