Class TargetingParams


public class TargetingParams extends Object
TargetingParams class sets the Targeting parameters like yob, gender, location and other custom parameters for the adUnits to be made available in the auction.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setUserAge

      @Deprecated public static void setUserAge(Integer age)
      by ORTB
    • getUserAge

      @Deprecated public static Integer getUserAge()
      by ORTB
    • getYearOfBirth

      @Deprecated public static int getYearOfBirth()
      by ORTB
      Get the year of birth for targeting
    • setYearOfBirth

      @Deprecated public static void setYearOfBirth(int yob) throws Exception
      by ORTB
      Set the year of birth and user age for targeting
      yob - yob of the user
    • getGender

      @Deprecated public static TargetingParams.GENDER getGender()
      by ORTB
      Get the current user's gender, if it's available. The default value is UNKNOWN.
      The user's gender.
    • setGender

      @Deprecated public static void setGender(TargetingParams.GENDER gender)
      by ORTB
      Set the user's gender. This should be set if the user's gender is known, as it can help make buying the ad space more attractive to advertisers. The default value is UNKNOWN.
      gender - The user's gender.
    • setUserLatLng

      public static void setUserLatLng(Float latitude, Float longitude)
      Sets user latitude and longitude
      latitude - User latitude
      longitude - User longitude
    • getUserLatLng

      public static android.util.Pair<Float,Float> getUserLatLng()
    • addUserData

      public static void addUserData(String key, String value)
      This method obtains the user data keyword & value for global user targeting if the key already exists the value will be appended to the list. No duplicates will be added
    • updateUserData

      public static void updateUserData(String key, Set<String> value)
      This method obtains the user data keyword & values set for global user targeting the values if the key already exist will be replaced with the new set of values
    • removeUserData

      public static void removeUserData(String key)
      This method allows to remove specific user data keyword & value set from global user targeting
    • clearUserData

      public static void clearUserData()
      This method allows to remove all user data set from global user targeting
    • getUserDataDictionary

      public static Map<String,Set<String>> getUserDataDictionary()
    • addUserKeyword

      public static void addUserKeyword(String keyword)
      This method obtains the user keyword for global user targeting Inserts the given element in the set if it is not already present.
    • addUserKeywords

      public static void addUserKeywords(Set<String> keywords)
      This method obtains the user keyword set for global user targeting Adds the elements of the given set to the set.
    • removeUserKeyword

      public static void removeUserKeyword(String keyword)
      This method allows to remove specific user keyword from global user targeting
    • clearUserKeywords

      public static void clearUserKeywords()
      This method allows to remove all keywords from the set of global user targeting
    • getUserKeywords

      public static String getUserKeywords()
    • getUserKeywordsSet

      public static Set<String> getUserKeywordsSet()
    • setUserCustomData

      @Deprecated public static void setUserCustomData(String data)
      this is exchange-specific information
      Optional feature to pass bidder data that was set in the exchange’s cookie. The string must be in base85 cookie safe characters and be in any format. Proper JSON encoding must be used to include “escaped” quotation marks.
      data - Custom data to be passed
    • getUserCustomData

      public static String getUserCustomData()
    • setUserId

      public static void setUserId(String userId)
      Set the user identifier.
      userId - the new user identifier
    • getUserId

      public static String getUserId()
    • setBuyerId

      @Deprecated public static void setBuyerId(String buyerId)
      In the upcoming major release, the method will be removed. Sets buyerId
      buyerId - Buyer-specific ID for the user as mapped by the exchange for the buyer. At least one of buyeruid or id is recommended.
    • getBuyerId

      @Deprecated public static String getBuyerId()
      In the upcoming major release, the method will be removed.
    • setExternalUserIds

      public static void setExternalUserIds(List<ExternalUserId> userIds)
      Sets external user ids. Set null for clearing. See: ExternalUserId.
    • getExternalUserIds

      public static List<ExternalUserId> getExternalUserIds()
      Returns external user ids.
    • storeExternalUserId

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static void storeExternalUserId(ExternalUserId externalUserId)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Prebid server provide them participating server-side bid adapters.
      externalUserId - the externalUserId instance to be stored in the SharedPreference
    • fetchStoredExternalUserId

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static ExternalUserId fetchStoredExternalUserId(String source)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Returns the ExternalUserId instance for a given source
    • fetchStoredExternalUserIds

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static List<ExternalUserId> fetchStoredExternalUserIds()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Returns the External User UniqueId list
    • removeStoredExternalUserId

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static void removeStoredExternalUserId(String source)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Removes the ExternalUserId instance for a given source
    • clearStoredExternalUserIds

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static void clearStoredExternalUserIds()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Clear the ExternalUserId list from the SharedPreference
    • setSendSharedId

      public static void setSendSharedId(Boolean sendSharedId)
      When true, the SharedID external user id is added to outgoing auction requests. App developers are encouraged to consult with their legal team before enabling this feature. See `TargetingParams.sharedId` for details.
      sendSharedId - the Boolean flag to determine if the SharedID external user id is to be added to outgoing auction requests
    • getSendSharedId

      public static Boolean getSendSharedId()
    • getSharedId

      public static ExternalUserId getSharedId()
      A randomly generated Prebid-owned first-party identifier Unless reset, SharedID remains consistent throughout the current app session. The same id may also persist indefinitely across multiple app sessions if local storage access is allowed. SharedID values are NOT consistent across different apps on the same device. Note: SharedId is only sent with auction requests if `TargetingParams.sendSharedId` is set to true.
    • resetSharedId

      public static void resetSharedId()
      Resets and clears out of local storage the existing SharedID value, after which `TargetingParams.sharedId` will return a new randomized value.
    • setPublisherName

      public static void setPublisherName(String publisherName)
      Sets publisher name
      publisherName - Publisher name
    • getPublisherName

      public static String getPublisherName()
    • setDomain

      public static void setDomain(String domain)
      Set the domain of your app for targeting purpose
      domain - domain of your app
    • getDomain

      public static String getDomain()
      Get the domain of your app
      domain of your app
    • setStoreUrl

      public static void setStoreUrl(String storeUrl)
      Set the store url of your app
      storeUrl - store url
    • getStoreUrl

      public static String getStoreUrl()
      Get the store url of your app
      store url
    • getBundleName

      public static String getBundleName()
      Get the platform-specific identifier, should be bundle/package name
    • setBundleName

      public static void setBundleName(String bundleName)
      Set the platform-specific identifier for targeting purpose Should be bundle/package name
    • addContextData

      @Deprecated public static void addContextData(String key, String value)
      use addExtData
      This method obtains the context data keyword & value context for global context targeting if the key already exists the value will be appended to the list. No duplicates will be added (
    • updateContextData

      @Deprecated public static void updateContextData(String key, Set<String> value)
      use updateExtData
      This method obtains the context data keyword & values set for global context targeting. the values if the key already exist will be replaced with the new set of values
    • removeContextData

      @Deprecated public static void removeContextData(String key)
      use removeExtData
      This method allows to remove specific context data keyword & values set from global context targeting
    • clearContextData

      @Deprecated public static void clearContextData()
      use clearExtData
      This method allows to remove all context data set from global context targeting
    • getContextDataDictionary

      @Deprecated public static Map<String,Set<String>> getContextDataDictionary()
      use getExtDataDictionary
    • addContextKeyword

      @Deprecated public static void addContextKeyword(String keyword)
      use addExtKeyword
      This method obtains the context keyword for adunit context targeting Inserts the given element in the set if it is not already present. (imp[].ext.context.keywords)
    • addContextKeywords

      @Deprecated public static void addContextKeywords(Set<String> keywords)
      use addExtKeywords
      This method obtains the context keyword set for adunit context targeting Adds the elements of the given set to the set.
    • removeContextKeyword

      @Deprecated public static void removeContextKeyword(String keyword)
      use removeExtKeyword
      This method allows to remove specific context keyword from adunit context targeting
    • clearContextKeywords

      @Deprecated public static void clearContextKeywords()
      use clearExtKeywords
      This method allows to remove all keywords from the set of adunit context targeting
    • getContextKeywordsSet

      @Deprecated public static Set<String> getContextKeywordsSet()
      use getExtKeywordsSet
    • addExtData

      public static void addExtData(String key, String value)
      This method obtains the context data keyword & value context for global context targeting if the key already exists the value will be appended to the list. No duplicates will be added (
    • updateExtData

      public static void updateExtData(String key, Set<String> value)
      This method obtains the context data keyword & values set for global context targeting. the values if the key already exist will be replaced with the new set of values
    • removeExtData

      public static void removeExtData(String key)
      This method allows to remove specific context data keyword & values set from global context targeting
    • clearExtData

      public static void clearExtData()
      This method allows to remove all context data set from global context targeting
    • getExtDataDictionary

      public static Map<String,Set<String>> getExtDataDictionary()
    • addExtKeyword

      public static void addExtKeyword(String keyword)
      This method obtains the context keyword for adunit context targeting Inserts the given element in the set if it is not already present. (imp[].ext.context.keywords)
    • addExtKeywords

      public static void addExtKeywords(Set<String> keywords)
      This method obtains the context keyword set for adunit context targeting Adds the elements of the given set to the set.
    • removeExtKeyword

      public static void removeExtKeyword(String keyword)
      This method allows to remove specific context keyword from adunit context targeting
    • clearExtKeywords

      public static void clearExtKeywords()
      This method allows to remove all keywords from the set of adunit context targeting
    • getExtKeywordsSet

      public static Set<String> getExtKeywordsSet()
    • addBidderToAccessControlList

      public static void addBidderToAccessControlList(String bidderName)
      This method obtains a bidder name allowed to receive global targeting (
    • removeBidderFromAccessControlList

      public static void removeBidderFromAccessControlList(String bidderName)
      This method allows to remove specific bidder name
    • clearAccessControlList

      public static void clearAccessControlList()
      This method allows to remove all the bidder name set
    • getAccessControlList

      public static Set<String> getAccessControlList()
    • getOmidPartnerName

      public static String getOmidPartnerName()
      OMID signaling
    • setOmidPartnerName

      public static void setOmidPartnerName(String omidPartnerName)
    • getOmidPartnerVersion

      public static String getOmidPartnerVersion()
    • setOmidPartnerVersion

      public static void setOmidPartnerVersion(String omidPartnerVersion)
    • setSubjectToCOPPA

      public static void setSubjectToCOPPA(Boolean value)
      Sets subject to COPPA. Null to set undefined.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • isSubjectToCOPPA

      public static Boolean isSubjectToCOPPA()
      Gets subject to COPPA. Null is undefined.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • setSubjectToGDPR

      public static void setSubjectToGDPR(Boolean value)
      Sets subject to GDPR for Prebid. It uses custom static field, not IAB.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • isSubjectToGDPR

      public static Boolean isSubjectToGDPR()
      Gets any given subject to GDPR in that order.
      1) Prebid subject to GDPR custom value, if present.
      2) IAB subject to GDPR TCF 2.0.
      Otherwise, null.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • setGDPRConsentString

      public static void setGDPRConsentString(String consent)
      Sets GDPR consent for Prebid. It uses custom static field, not IAB.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • getGDPRConsentString

      public static String getGDPRConsentString()
      Gets any given GDPR consent in that order.
      1) Prebid GDPR consent custom value, if present.
      2) IAB GDPR consent TCF 2.0.
      Otherwise, null.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • setPurposeConsents

      public static void setPurposeConsents(String purposeConsents)
      Sets Prebid custom GDPR purpose consents (device access consent).

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • getPurposeConsent

      public static Boolean getPurposeConsent(int index)
      Gets any given purpose consent for set index in that order.
      1) Prebid GDPR purpose consent custom value, if present.
      2) IAB GDPR TCF 2.0 purpose consent.
      Returns null if purpose consent isn't set or index is out of bounds.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • getPurposeConsents

      public static String getPurposeConsents()
      Gets any given purpose consent for set index in that order.
      1) Prebid GDPR purpose consent custom value, if present.
      2) IAB GDPR TCF 2.0 purpose consent.
      Otherwise, null.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • getDeviceAccessConsent

      public static Boolean getDeviceAccessConsent()
      Gets the device access consent set by the publisher.

      If custom Prebid subject and purpose consent set, gets device access from them. Otherwise, from IAB standard.

      Must be called only after PrebidMobile.initializeSdk(Context, SdkInitializationListener).

    • getGlobalOrtbConfig

      public static String getGlobalOrtbConfig()
    • setGlobalOrtbConfig

      public static void setGlobalOrtbConfig(String config)
      Sets global OpenRTB JSON string for merging with the original request. Expected format: "{"new_field": "value"}".
      config - JSON OpenRTB string.
    • setUserExt

      public static void setUserExt(Ext ext)
      Sets user Ext
      ext - Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.
    • getUserExt

      public static Ext getUserExt()