Class BaseInterstitialAdUnit

Direct Known Subclasses:
InterstitialAdUnit, RewardedAdUnit

public abstract class BaseInterstitialAdUnit extends Object
Internal base interstitial ad unit for rendering API.
  • Field Details

    • adUnitConfig

      protected AdUnitConfiguration adUnitConfig
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseInterstitialAdUnit

      protected BaseInterstitialAdUnit(android.content.Context context)
  • Method Details

    • loadAd

      public void loadAd()
      Executes ad loading if no request is running.
    • isLoaded

      public boolean isLoaded()
      true if auction winner was defined, false otherwise
    • show

      public void show()
      Executes interstitial display if auction winner is defined.
    • addContextData

      @Deprecated public void addContextData(String key, String value)
      use addExtData
    • updateContextData

      @Deprecated public void updateContextData(String key, Set<String> value)
      use updateExtData
    • removeContextData

      @Deprecated public void removeContextData(String key)
      use removeExtData
    • clearContextData

      @Deprecated public void clearContextData()
      use clearExtData
    • getContextDataDictionary

      @Deprecated public Map<String,Set<String>> getContextDataDictionary()
      use getExtDataDictionary
    • addContextKeyword

      @Deprecated public void addContextKeyword(String keyword)
      use addExtKeyword
    • addContextKeywords

      @Deprecated public void addContextKeywords(Set<String> keywords)
      use addExtKeywords
    • removeContextKeyword

      @Deprecated public void removeContextKeyword(String keyword)
      use removeExtKeyword
    • getContextKeywordsSet

      @Deprecated public Set<String> getContextKeywordsSet()
      use getExtKeywordsSet
    • clearContextKeywords

      @Deprecated public void clearContextKeywords()
      use clearExtKeywords
    • addExtData

      public void addExtData(String key, String value)
    • updateExtData

      public void updateExtData(String key, Set<String> value)
    • removeExtData

      public void removeExtData(String key)
    • clearExtData

      public void clearExtData()
    • getExtDataDictionary

      public Map<String,Set<String>> getExtDataDictionary()
    • addExtKeyword

      public void addExtKeyword(String keyword)
    • addExtKeywords

      public void addExtKeywords(Set<String> keywords)
    • removeExtKeyword

      public void removeExtKeyword(String keyword)
    • getExtKeywordsSet

      public Set<String> getExtKeywordsSet()
    • clearExtKeywords

      public void clearExtKeywords()
    • setAppContent

      public void setAppContent(ContentObject content)
    • getAppContent

      public ContentObject getAppContent()
    • addUserData

      public void addUserData(DataObject dataObject)
    • getUserData

      public ArrayList<DataObject> getUserData()
    • clearUserData

      public void clearUserData()
    • getOrtbConfig

      public String getOrtbConfig()
    • setOrtbConfig

      public void setOrtbConfig(String ortbConfig)
    • getPbAdSlot

      public String getPbAdSlot()
    • setPbAdSlot

      public void setPbAdSlot(String adSlot)
    • setSkipDelay

      public void setSkipDelay(int secondsDelay)
      Sets delay in seconds to show skip or close button.
    • setSkipButtonArea

      public void setSkipButtonArea(double buttonArea)
      Sets skip button percentage size in range from 0.05 to 1. If value less than 0.05, size will be default.
    • setSkipButtonPosition

      public void setSkipButtonPosition(Position skipButtonPosition)
      Sets skip button position on the screen. Suitable values TOP_LEFT and TOP_RIGHT. Default value TOP_RIGHT.
    • setIsMuted

      public void setIsMuted(boolean isMuted)
    • setIsSoundButtonVisible

      public void setIsSoundButtonVisible(boolean isSoundButtonVisible)
    • setMaxVideoDuration

      public void setMaxVideoDuration(int seconds)
    • setCloseButtonArea

      public void setCloseButtonArea(double closeButtonArea)
      Sets close button percentage size in range from 0.05 to 1. If value less than 0.05, size will be default.
    • setCloseButtonPosition

      public void setCloseButtonPosition(Position closeButtonPosition)
      Sets close button position on the screen. Suitable values TOP_LEFT and TOP_RIGHT. Default value TOP_RIGHT.
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Cleans up resources when destroyed.
    • init

      protected void init(AdUnitConfiguration adUnitConfiguration)
    • loadPrebidAd

      protected void loadPrebidAd()
    • getContext

      protected android.content.Context getContext()
    • isBidInvalid

      protected boolean isBidInvalid()
    • changeInterstitialAdUnitState

      protected void changeInterstitialAdUnitState( state)
    • getBidResponse

      public BidResponse getBidResponse()
    • addContent

      public void addContent(ContentObject content)