Interface PrebidNativeAdListener

public interface PrebidNativeAdListener
Native ad listener.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A successful Prebid Native ad is returned
    Prebid Native was not found in the server returned response, Please display the ad as regular ways
    Prebid Native ad was returned, however, the bid is not valid for displaying Should be treated as on ad load failed
  • Method Details

    • onPrebidNativeLoaded

      void onPrebidNativeLoaded(PrebidNativeAd ad)
      A successful Prebid Native ad is returned
      ad - use this instance for displaying
    • onPrebidNativeNotFound

      void onPrebidNativeNotFound()
      Prebid Native was not found in the server returned response, Please display the ad as regular ways
    • onPrebidNativeNotValid

      void onPrebidNativeNotValid()
      Prebid Native ad was returned, however, the bid is not valid for displaying Should be treated as on ad load failed