Prebid Mobile SDK - Android API Reference
Prebid Android SDK is an open-source monetization library that allows you to integrate header bidding demand partners into the mobile app in various ways. The integration documentation can be found here.
This section is autogenerated documentation describing the SDK's public classes, methods, and other code structures. It doesn't provide any integration guides but always provides updated API references.
The documentation is generated for each SDK release.
If you see any inconsistency or want to improve the process, you are always welcome to contribute to Prebid Mobile Android SDK on GitHub.
Adapters for AppLovin MAX mediation integration of the Prebid SDK.
Root package with ad units for the 'original API'
integration of the SDK and common classes for all SDK.
Adapters for AdMob mediation integration of the Prebid SDK.
Common data classes for the SDK integration.
Common exceptions.
Ad units for the mediation integration of the SDK.
Listeners for the mediation integration.
Universal Prebid ad unit for multi-format request
with access to the bid response data.
Ad units for the rendering integration of the SDK.
Listeners for the rendering API integration.
Package for configuring custom rendering plugins.
Adapters for Google Ad Manager mediation integration of the Prebid SDK.